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Built-in types

The following built-in types can be used by UniFFI. Ths table shows the types supported in Rust, and the types used in UDL.

Rust type UDL type Notes
bool boolean
u8/i8..u64/i64 u8/i8..u64/i64
f32 float
f64 double
String string
Vec<u8> bytes Different from sequence<u8> only in foreign type mappings
SystemTime timestamp Precision may be lost when converting to Python and Swift types
Duration duration Precision may be lost when converting to Python and Swift types
&T [ByRef] T This works for &str and &[T]
Option<T> T?
Vec<T> sequence<T>
HashMap<K, V> record<K, T>
() void Empty return
Result<T, E> N/A See Errors section

And of course you can use your own types, which is covered in the following sections.