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Last updated: May 21st, 2024

Other relevant documents include our metrics reference and metrics explanation.

In Spring 2023, FxA began its migration to use Mozilla's Glean for metrics. At the time of writing, it is still ongoing. Here you'll find the Glean related content at the top; information on older metric event types can be found at the bottom.

How do I...

...find documentation on Glean?

The Glean book is very good. We use Glean.js in FxA.

...enable Glean in my local development environment?

Auth server

Set the env var AUTH_GLEAN_ENABLED to true.

Content server / Settings

  1. Set the env var GLEAN_ENABLED to true.
  2. Use GLEAN_UPLOAD_ENABLED, with a value of true or false, to toggle the upload status.

...add more Glean events?

Initially FxA used a string metric for the event name, so adding an "event" merely involved a new string. At the time of writing, we are migrating to Glean's event metric type. To add a new event now, we need to declare it in the appropriate YAML.

For event specific properties, we have a event.reason string metric to capture some additional, information. Moving forward, we should use the extra_keys in the event for these event properties.

Auth server

  1. Update the YAML in packages/fxa-shared/metrics/glean/fxa-backend-metrics.yaml.
  2. Run yarn glean-generate from packages/fxa-auth-server.
  3. Update gleanMetrics in packages/fxa-auth-server/lib/metrics/glean/index.ts to add the event. Ensure that you call the record* method on the new event by adding another case in the big switch statement in createEventFn.

Content server

  1. Update the YAML in packages/fxa-shared/metrics/glean/fxa-ui-metrics.yaml.
  2. Run yarn glean-generate from packages/fxa-content-server.
  3. Update GleanMetrics in packages/fxa-content-server/app/scripts/lib/glean/index.ts so its API exposes a function for the event. Also ensure that you add the new event to the switch statement in recordEventMetric.


  1. Update the YAML in packages/fxa-shared/metrics/glean/fxa-ui-metrics.yaml.
  2. Run yarn glean-generate from packages/fxa-shared.
  3. Add the event to eventsMap in packages/fxa-shared/metrics/glean/web/index.ts.
  4. Update recordEventMetric in packages/fxa-settings/src/lib/glean/index.ts to include the new event in the switch statement.

...view the Glean pings while debugging?

Auth server

Grep for glean-server-event in auth-out.log.

Content server / Settings

  1. Set GLEAN_LOG_PINGS to true to see the pings in the page's JS console.
  2. Set GLEAN_DEBUG_VIEW_TAG to some string to see the pings in the Debug Ping Viewer. For example, if you set a value of 'bchen-local-dev', then you can view the pings at

...create a new activity event?

  1. Add the event name to ACTIVITY_EVENTS in lib/metrics/events.js. Unless it’s also a flow event (most new events will be one or the other), you should also add it to NOT_FLOW_EVENTS in the same module.
  2. Emit the new event in code like request.emitMetricsEvent('', { uid }).
  3. Wherever you emit it, add test cases to cover that the event is correctly logged.

...create a new flow event?

Auth server

  1. Emit the new event in code like request.emitMetricsEvent('').
  2. Wherever you emit it, add test cases to cover that the event is correctly logged.
  3. Be aware that flow events are only emitted if you have a metricsContext. If there’s one in the payload for the current route, you’re all good. If not, the code will try to read one from Redis for you. But a previous call to request.stashMetricsContext or request.propagateMetricsContext will need to have been made with the token that your request is authenticated by. Maybe that’s done already, maybe it isn’t, you’ll need to trace the request flow and grep the code.

Content server

  1. On the front-end, make sure your view has mixed in FlowEventsMixin.
  2. view and engage events will be emitted automatically when you add the mixin, for other events you need to call this.logFlowEvent from your view.
  3. Add test coverage for the new event to your view unit tests.

...create a new email event?

You don’t need to do this, it’s all set up to work automatically.

...create a new Amplitude event?

Auth server

  1. Amplitude events are all triggered by activity or flow events, so the first step is to ensure there’s one of those (see above if you need to create a new one).
  2. If you’re triggering from a specific event, add a new mapping to the EVENTS object in lib/metrics/amplitude.js. If you’re triggering from a set of events, add a mapping to FUZZY_EVENTS instead.
  3. Add a new test case for the new event to test/local/metrics/amplitude.js. Every event should have its own test case in that module.

Content server

  1. Amplitude events are all triggered by flow or screen events, so the first step is to ensure there’s one of those (see above if you need to create a new flow event).
  2. If you’re triggering from a specific event, add a new mapping to the EVENTS object in server/lib/amplitude.js. If you’re triggering from a set of events, add a mapping to FUZZY_EVENTS instead.
  3. Add a new test case for the new event to tests/server/amplitude.js. Every event should have its own test case in that module.