
This section describes the structure and semantics of the various configuration files used by cargo vet.


By default, cargo vet data lives in a supply-chain directory next to Cargo.lock. This location is configurable via the [] directive in Cargo.toml, as well as via [] when using a workspace with a virtual root.

The default configuration is equivalent to the following:

[] store = { path = './supply-chain' }


This file contains the audits performed by the project members and descriptions of the audit criteria. The information in this file can be imported by other projects.

The criteria Table

This table defines different sets of custom criteria. Entries have several potential fields:


A concise description of the criteria. This field (or description-url) is required.


An alternative to description which locates the criteria text at a publicly-accessible URL. This can be useful for sharing criteria descriptions across multiple repositories.


An optional string or array of other criteria that are subsumed by this entry. Audit entries that are certified with these criteria are also implicitly certified with any implied criteria.

For example, specifying the built-in criteria as custom criteria would look like this:

[] description = '...' [] description = '...' implies = 'safe-to-run'

The audits Table

This table contains the audit entries, indexed by crate name. Because there are often multiple audits per crate (different versions, delta audits, etc), audit entries are specified as table arrays, i.e. [[]].

The semantics of the various audit entries keys are described here.

The trusted Table

This table contains the trusted publisher entries, indexed by crate name. Because there may be multiple publishers per crate, trusted entries are specified as table arrays, i.e. [[]].

The semantics of the various trusted entries keys are described here.


This file contains configuration information for this specific project. This file cannot be imported by other projects.


This top-level key specifies the default criteria that cargo vet certify will use when recording audits. If unspecified, this defaults to safe-to-deploy.

The cargo-vet Table

This table contains metadata used to track the version of cargo-vet used to create the store, and may be used in the future to allow other global configuration details to be specified.

The imports Table

This table enumerates the external audit sets that are imported into this project. The key is a user-defined nickname, so entries are specified as [].


Specifies an HTTPS url from which the remote audits.toml can be fetched. This field is required.


A table specifying mappings from the imported audit set to local criteria. Each imported audit's criteria is mapped through these import maps, considering the peer's implies relationships, and transformed into a set of local criteria when importing.

[imports.peer.criteria-map] peer-criteria = "local-criteria" their-super-audited = ["safe-to-deploy", "audited"]

Unless otherwise specified, the peer's safe-to-run and safe-to-deploy criteria will be implicitly mapped to the local safe-to-run and safe-to-deploy criteria. This can be overridden by specifying the mapping for safe-to-run or safe-to-deploy in the criteria map.

[imports.peer.criteria-map] safe-to-run = [] safe-to-deploy = "safe-to-run"

Other unmapped criteria will be discarded when importing.


A list of crates whose audit entries should not be imported from this source. This can be used as a last resort to resolve disagreements over the suitability of a given crate.

The policy Table

This table allows projects to configure the audit requirements that cargo vet should enforce on various dependencies. When unspecified, non-top-level crates inherit most policy attributes from their parents, whereas top-level crates get the defaults described below.

In this context, "top-level" generally refers to crates with no reverse-dependencies — except when evaluating dev-dependencies, in which case every workspace member is considered a root.

Keys of this table can be crate names (in which case the policy is applied to all versions of the crate) or strings of the form "CRATE:VERSION" (you'll more than likely need to add quotes in TOML because the version string will have periods). If you specify versions, they may only refer to crate versions which are in the graph.


A string or array of strings specifying the criteria that should be enforced for this crate and its dependency subtree.

This may only be specified for first-party crates. Requirements for third-party crates should be applied via inheritance or dependency-criteria.

For top-level crates, defaults to safe-to-deploy.


Same as the above, but applied to dev-dependencies.

For top-level crates, defaults to safe-to-run.


Allows overriding the above values on a per-dependency basis.

[] dependency-criteria = { bar = [] } notes = "bar is only used to implement a foo feature we never plan to enable."

Unlike criteria and dev-criteria, dependency-criteria may apply directly to third-party crates (both foo and bar may be third-party in the above example). Specifying criteria is disallowed for third-party crates because a given third-party crate can often be used in multiple unrelated places in a project's dependency graph. So in the above example, we want to exempt bar from auditing insofar as it's used by foo, but not necessarily if it crops up somewhere else.

Third-party crates with dependency-criteria must be associated with specific versions in the policy table (see the description of policy table keys above). Additionally, if a crate has any dependency-criteria specified and any version exists as a third-party crate in the graph, all versions of the crate must be explicitly specified in the policy table keys.

Defaults to the empty set and is not inherited.


Specifies whether first-party packages with this crate name should receive audit enforcement as if they were fetched from See First-Party Code for more details.


Free-form string for recording rationale or other relevant information.

The exemptions Table

This table enumerates the set of crates which are being used despite missing the required audits. It has a similar structure to the audits table in audits.toml, but each entry has fewer supported fields.


Specifies the exact version which should be exempted.


Specifies the criteria covered by the exemption.


Free-form string for recording rationale or other relevant information.


A boolean indicating whether this entry is eligible to be surfaced by cargo vet suggest.

Defaults to true. This exists to allow you silence certain suggestions that, for whatever reason, you don't plan to act on in the immediate future.


This file is auto-generated by cargo vet and its format should be treated as an implementation detail.