Multiple Repositories

The discussion thus far assumes the project exists in a single repository, but it's common for organizations to manage code across multiple repositories. At first glance this presents a dilemma as to whether to centralize or distribute the audit records. Putting them all in one place makes them easier to consume, but more cumbersome to produce, since updating a package in one repository may require a developer to record a new audit in another repository.

The cargo vet aggregate subcommand resolves this tension. The command itself simply takes a list of audit file URLs, and produces a single merged file1. The recommended workflow is as follows:

  1. Create a dedicated repository to host the merged audits (example).
  2. Add a file called sources.list to this repository, which contains a plain list of URLs for the audit files in each project.
  3. Create a recurring task on that repository to invoke cargo vet aggregate sources.list > audits.toml and commit the result if changed2.
  4. Add the aggregated audit file to the imports table of each individual repository.

Beyond streamlining the workflow within the project, this approach also makes it easy for others to import the full audit set without needing to navigate the details of various source repositories.


The entries in the new file have an additional aggregated-from field which points to their original location.


On GitHub, this can be accomplished by adding the following to .github/workflows/aggregate.yml:

name: CI
    # Every five minutes (maximum frequency allowed by GitHub)
    - cron:  '*/5 * * * *'

  contents: write

    name: Aggregate Dependencies
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@master
    - name: Install Rust
      run: rustup update stable && rustup default stable
    - uses: actions/cache@v2
        path: ${{ runner.tool_cache }}/cargo-vet
        key: cargo-vet-bin-${{ env.CARGO_VET_VERSION }}
    - name: Add the tool cache directory to the search path
      run: echo "${{ runner.tool_cache }}/cargo-vet/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH
    - name: Ensure that the tool cache is populated with the cargo-vet binary
      run: cargo install --root ${{ runner.tool_cache }}/cargo-vet --version ${{ env.CARGO_VET_VERSION }} cargo-vet
    - name: Invoke cargo-vet aggregate
      run: cargo vet aggregate --output-file audits.toml sources.list
    - name: Commit changes (if any)
      run: |
        git config --global "cargo-vet[bot]"
        git config --global "cargo-vet-aggregate@invalid"
        git add audits.toml
        git commit -m "Aggregate new audits" || true
    - name: Push changes (if any)
      run: git push origin main