Cargo Vet

The cargo vet subcommand is a tool to help projects ensure that third-party Rust dependencies have been audited by a trusted entity. It strives to be lightweight and easy to integrate.

When run, cargo vet matches all of a project's third-party dependencies against a set of audits performed by the project authors or entities they trust. If there are any gaps, the tool provides mechanical assistance in performing and documenting the audit.

The primary reason that people do not ordinarily audit open-source dependencies is that it is too much work. There are a few key ways that cargo vet aims to reduce developer effort to a manageable level:

  • Sharing: Public crates are often used by many projects. These projects can share their findings with each other to avoid duplicating work.

  • Relative Audits: Different versions of the same crate are often quite similar to each other. Developers can inspect the difference between two versions, and record that if the first version was vetted, the second can be considered vetted as well.

  • Deferred Audits: It is not always practical to achieve full coverage. Dependencies can be added to a list of exceptions which can be ratcheted down over time. This makes it trivial to introduce cargo vet to a new project and guard against future vulnerabilities while vetting the pre-existing code gradually as time permits.

Note: cargo vet is under active development. If you're interested in deploying it, get in touch.


cargo-vet is free and open source. You can find the source code on GitHub and issues and feature requests can be posted on the GitHub issue tracker.


The discussion below covers the high-level motivation for building this system. If you're just interested in how it works, you can skip to the next section.

Security Risks of Third-Party Code

Low-friction reuse of third-party components — via systems like or npm — is an essential element of modern software development. Unfortunately, it also widens the set of actors who can introduce a security vulnerability into the final product.

These defects can be honest mistakes, or intentional supply-chain attacks. They can exist in the initial version, or be introduced later as an update. They can be introduced by the original author, or by a new maintainer who acquires control over the release of subsequent versions. Taken together, these avenues constitute a demonstrated and growing risk to software security.

Ideally, the composition model would include technical guarantees to isolate components from each other and prevent a defect in one component from compromising the security of the entire program (e.g. WebAssembly nanoprocesses). However, that is often not a realistic solution for many projects today. In the absence of technical guarantees, the responsibility for ensuring software integrity falls to humans. But reviewing every line of third-party code can be very time-consuming and difficult, and undermines the original premise of low-friction code reuse. Practically speaking, it often just doesn't happen — even at large well-resourced companies.

Tackling This in Rust

There are two properties of Rust that make this problem easier to solve.

First, it's relatively easy to audit Rust code. Unlike C/C++, Rust code is memory-safe by default, and unlike JavaScript, there is no highly-dynamic shared global environment. This means that you can often reason at a high level about the range of a module's potential behavior without carefully studying all of its internal invariants. For example, a complicated string parser with a narrow interface, no unsafe code, and no powerful imports has limited means to compromise the rest of the program. This also makes it easier to conclude that a new version is safe based on a diff from a prior trusted version.

Second, nearly everyone in the Rust ecosystem relies on the same set of basic tooling — Cargo and — to import and manage third-party components, and there is high overlap in the dependency sets. For example, at the time of writing, Firefox, wasmtime, and the Rust compiler specified 406, 310, and 357 dependencies respectively1. Ignoring version, each project shares about half of its dependencies with at least one of the other two projects, and 107 dependencies are common across all three.

This creates opportunities to share the analysis burden in an systematic way. If you're able to discover that a trusted party has already audited the exact crate release you're using, you can gain quite a bit of confidence in its integrity with no additional effort. If that party has audited a different version, you could consider either switching to it, or merely auditing the diff between the two. Not every organization and project share the same level of risk tolerance, but there is a lot of common ground, and substantial room for improvement beyond no sharing at all.



The following command string computes the names of the packages specified in Cargo.lock. Note the filtering for path and git dependencies, along with removing duplicates due to different versions of the same crate:

grep -e "name = " -e "source = \"registry" Cargo.lock | awk '/source =/ { print prv_line; next } { prv_line = $0 }' | sort -u

How it Works

Most developers are busy people with limited energy to devote to supply-chain integrity. Therefore, the driving principle behind cargo-vet is to minimize friction and make it as easy as possible to do the right thing. It aims to be trivial to set up, fit unobtrusively into existing workflows, guide people through each step, and allow the entire ecosystem to share the work of auditing widely-used packages.

This section provides a high-level overview of how the system operates to achieve these goals.


Cargo-vet is easy to set up. Most users will already have a repository with some pre-existing third-party dependencies:

Existing Repository

Cargo-vet can be enabled by adding the tool as a linter and running cargo vet init, which creates some metadata in the repository:

Repository with Metadata

This takes about five minutes, and crucially, does not require auditing the existing dependencies. These are automatically added to the exemptions list:


This makes it low-effort to get started, and facilitates tackling the backlog incrementally from an approved state.

Adding New Third-Party Code

Sometime later, a developer attempts to pull new third-party code into the project. This might be a new dependency, or an update to an existing one:


As part of continuous integration, cargo-vet analyzes the updated build graph to verify that the new code has been audited by a trusted organization. If not, the patch is refused:


Next, cargo-vet assists the developer in resolving the situation. First, it scans the registry to see if any well-known organizations have audited that package before:

Potential Imports

If there’s a match, cargo-vet informs the developer and offers the option to add that organization to the project’s trusted imports:


This enables projects to lazily build up an increasingly wide set of approved crates. Approval of both import and audit submissions automatically falls to the code owners of the supply-chain/ directory, which should consist of either project leadership or a dedicated security team.

Auditing Workflow

It may of course be the case that the developer needs to perform the audit themselves, and cargo-vet streamlines this process. Often someone will have already audited a different version of the same crate, in which case cargo-vet computes the relevant diffs and identifies the smallest one1. After walking the developer through the process of determining what to audit, it then presents the relevant artifacts for inspection, either locally, on Sourcegraph, or on

Cargo-vet minimizes developer friction by storing audits in-tree. This means that developers don’t need to navigate or authenticate with an external system. Interactions with cargo-vet are generally triggered when a developer creates a changeset adding new third-party code, and this design allows them to simply submit the relevant audits as part of that changeset:

Audit Submission

Sharing the Work

Cargo-vet’s mechanisms for sharing and discovery are built on top of this decentralized storage. Imports are implemented by pointing directly to the audit files in external repositories, and the registry is merely an index of such files from well-known organizations:


This also means there’s no central infrastructure for an attacker to compromise. Imports used to vet the dependency graph are always fetched directly from the relevant organization, and only after explicitly adding that organization to the trusted set.

Audit sharing is a key force-multiplier behind cargo vet, but it is not essential. Projects can of course decline to add any imports and perform all audits themselves.

Additional Features

Cargo-vet has a number of advanced features under the hood — it supports custom audit criteria, configurable policies for different subtrees in the build graph, and filtering out platform-specific code. These features are all completely optional, and the baseline experience is designed to be simple and require minimal onboarding. You can learn more about them in the subsequent chapters of this book.



Differential audits work even for crates in the exemptions list. While it might seem counter-intuitive to perform a relative security audit against an unknown base, doing so still provides meaningful protection against future supply-chain attacks.


This chapter walks through the steps of deploying and using cargo vet, with a survey of its key features.


Installing cargo vet can be done through Cargo:

cargo install --locked cargo-vet

Afterwards you can confirm that it's installed via:

cargo vet --version


Now that you've installed cargo vet, you're ready to set it up for your project. Move into the top-level project directory and execute the following:

$ cargo vet error: cargo vet is not configured

To be useful, cargo vet needs to know which audits have been performed and what policy should be enforced. By default, this information is stored next to Cargo.lock in a directory called supply-chain. This location is configurable.

To get started, you can invoke:

$ cargo vet init

This creates and populates the supply-chain directory. It contains two files: audits.toml and config.toml. The exemptions table of config.toml is populated with the full list of third-party crates currently used by the project. The files in this directory should be added to version control along with Cargo.lock.

Now, try vetting again:

$ cargo vet Vetting Succeeded (X exempted)

You're now up and running, though with an empty audit set: vetting only succeeds because your list of exceptions contains the exact set of current dependencies used in your project. Generally speaking, you should try to avoid more exceptions, and ideally seek to shrink the list over time.

Audit Criteria

Before you can go about auditing code, you need to decide what you want the audits to entail. This is expressed with "audit criteria", which are just labels corresponding to human-readable descriptions of what to check for.

cargo vet comes pre-equipped with two built-in criteria: safe-to-run and safe-to-deploy. You can use these without any additional configuration.

Custom Criteria

You can also specify arbitrary custom criteria in audits.toml. For example:

[criteria.crypto-reviewed] description = ''' The cryptographic code in this crate has been reviewed for correctness by a member of a designated set of cryptography experts within the project. '''

The full feature set is documented here.

If you are using aggregated audits, the description of each criteria must be exactly identical in every repository, or the aggregation will fail.

Multiple Sets of Criteria

There are a number of reasons you might wish to operate with multiple sets of criteria:

  • Applying extra checks to some crates: For example, you might define crypto-reviewed criteria and require them for audits of crates which implement cryptographic algorithms that your application depends on.

  • Relaxing your audit requirements for some crates: For example, you might decide that crates not exposed in production can just be safe-to-run rather than safe-to-deploy, since they don't need to be audited for handling adversarial input.

    [policy.mycrate] criteria = ["safe-to-deploy"] dependency-criteria = { non-exposed-crate = ["safe-to-run"] }
  • Improving Sharing: If one project wants to audit for issues A and B, and another project wants to audit for B and C, defining separate sets of criteria for A, B, and C allows the two projects to partially share work.

You can define and use as many separate sets of criteria as you like.

Example criteria set: Google's ub-risk-N

Google's rust crate audits define a set of 7 audit criteria that form an implication chain: ub-risk-0 through ub-risk-4, along with ub-risk-1-thorough and ub-risk-2-thorough indicating that two unsafe Rust experts performed the audit. Most projects that want to use this critera set should specify ub-risk-2 as the policy criteria and specify per-crate policy exceptions for ub-risk-3 crates.

A notable feature of this criteria set is that it allows you to record an audit for a crate that your organization has decided is unacceptable for use (ub-risk-4), which can assist in tracking whether the issues have been fixed when you revisit the crate in the future.

The criteria can be viewed in the [] link in registry.toml and at

Importing Audits

The fastest way to shrink the exemptions list is to pull in the audit sets from other projects that you trust via imports directives in config.toml. This directive allows you to virtually merge audit lists from other projects into your own:

[] url = "" [] url = ""

Upon invocation, cargo vet will fetch each url, extract the relevant data, and store the information in imports.lock. Similar to cargo vendor, passing --locked will skip the fetch.

Note that this mechanism is not transitive — you can't directly import someone else's list of imports. This is an intentional limitation which keeps trust relationships direct and easy to reason about. That said, you can always inspect the config.toml of other projects for inspiration, and explicitly adopt any imports entries that meet your requirements.

The built-in criteria have the same meaning across all projects, so importing an audit for safe-to-run has the same effect as appending that same audit to your own audits.toml. By default, custom criteria defined in a foreign audit file exist in a private namespace and have no meaning in the local project. However, they can be mapped as desired to locally-defined criteria.

The Registry

To ease discovery, cargo vet maintains a central registry of the audit sets published by well-known organizations. This information is stored in the registry.toml file alongside the source code in the cargo vet repository. You can request the inclusion of your audit set in the registry by submitting a pull request.

You can inspect the registry directly to find audit sets you wish to import. Moreover, when suggesting audits, cargo vet will fetch the sets listed in the registry and surface any entries that could be imported to address the identified gaps. This is described later in more detail.

Recording Audits

Audits of your project's dependencies performed by you or your teammates are recorded in audits.toml. Note that these dependencies may have their own audits.toml files if they also happen to use cargo vet, but these have no effect on your project unless you explicitly import them in config.toml.


Listing a crate in audits.toml means that the you've inspected it and determined that it meets the specified criteria.

Each crate can have one or more audit entries, which support various fields. Specifying a version means that the owner has audited that version in its entirety. Specifying a delta means that the owner has audited the diff between the two versions, and determined that the changes preserve the relevant properties.

If, in the course of your auditing, you find a crate that does not meet the criteria, you can note this as well with violation.

A sample audits.toml looks like this:

[criteria] ... [[]] version = "1.2.3" who = "Alice Foo <>" criteria = "safe-to-deploy" [[]] delta = "1.2.3 -> 1.2.4" who = "Bob Bar <>"" criteria = "safe-to-deploy" [[]] version = "2.1.3" who = "Alice Foo <>" criteria = "safe-to-deploy" [[]] delta = "2.1.3 -> 2.1.1" who = "Alice Foo <>" criteria = "safe-to-deploy" [[audits.baz]] version = "0.2" who = "Alice Foo <>" criteria = "safe-to-run" [[]] version = "0.2.1 -> 0.3.1" who = "Bob Bar <>"" criteria = "safe-to-deploy" [[audits.malicious_crate]] violation = "*" who = "Bob Bar <>"" criteria = "safe-to-run" [[audits.partially_vulnerable_crate]] violation = ">=2.0, <2.3" who = "Bob Bar <>"" criteria = "safe-to-deploy"

Exactly one of version, delta, or violation must be specified for each entry.

The expectation is that this file should never be pruned unless a previously-recorded entry is determined to have been erroneous. Even if the owner no longer uses the specified crates, the audit records can still prove useful to others in the ecosystem.

The exemptions table in config.toml

This table enumerates the dependencies that have not been audited, but which the project is nonetheless using. The structure is generally the same as the audits table, with a few differences.

Performing Audits

Human attention is a precious resource, so cargo vet provides several features to spend that attention as efficiently as possible.

Managing Dependency Changes

When you run cargo update, you generally pull in new crates or new versions of existing crates, which may cause cargo vet to fail. In this situation, cargo vet identifies the relevant crates and recommends how to audit them:

$ cargo update .... $ cargo vet Vetting Failed! 3 unvetted dependencies: bar:1.5 missing ["safe-to-deploy"] baz:1.3 missing ["safe-to-deploy"] foo:1.2.1 missing ["safe-to-deploy"] recommended audits for safe-to-deploy: cargo vet diff foo 1.2 1.2.1 (10 lines) cargo vet diff bar 2.1.1 1.5 (253 lines) cargo vet inspect baz 1.3 (2033 lines) estimated audit backlog: 2296 lines Use |cargo vet certify| to record the audits.

Note that if other versions of a given crate have already been verified, there will be multiple ways to perform the review: either from scratch, or relative to one or more already-audited versions. In these cases, cargo vet computes all the possible approaches and selects the smallest one.

You can, of course, choose to add one or more unvetted dependencies to the exemptions list instead of auditing them. This may be expedient in some situations, though doing so frequently undermines the value provided by the tool.

Inspecting Crates

Once you've identified the audit you wish to perform, the next step is to produce the artifacts for inspection. This is less trivial than it might sound: even if the project is hosted somewhere like GitHub, there's no guarantee that the code in the repository matches the bits submitted to And the packages on aren't easy to download manually.

To make this easy, the cargo vet inspect subcommand will give you a link to the exact version of the crate hosted on Sourcegraph.

When you finish the audit, you can use cargo vet certify to add the entry to audits.toml:

$ cargo vet inspect baz 1.3 You are about to inspect version 1.3 of 'baz', likely to certify it for "safe-to-deploy", which means: ... You can inspect the crate here: (press ENTER to open in your browser, or re-run with --mode=local) $ cargo vet certify baz 1.3 I, Alice, certify that I have audited version 1.3 of baz in accordance with the following criteria: ... (type "yes" to certify): yes Recorded full audit of baz version 1.3

You can also use the --mode=local flag to have inspect download the crate source code and drop you into a nested shell to inspect it.

Similarly, cargo vet diff will give you a Sourcegraph link that will display the diff between the two versions.

$ cargo vet diff foo 1.2 1.2.1 You are about to diff versions 1.2 and 1.2.1 of 'foo', likely to certify it for "safe-to-deploy", which means: ... You can inspect the diff here: $ cargo vet certify foo 1.2 1.2.1 I, Alice, certify that I have audited the changes between versions 1.2 and 1.2.1 of baz in accordance with the following criteria: ... (type "yes" to certify): yes Recorded relative audit between foo versions 1.2 and 1.2.1

You can also use --mode=local flag to have diff download the two crates and display a git-compatible diff between the two.

Shrinking the exemptions Table

Even when your project is passing cargo vet, lingering entries in exemptions could still leave you vulnerable. As such, shrinking it is a worthwhile endeavor.

Any malicious crate can compromise your program, but not every crate requires the same amount of effort to verify. Some crates are larger than others, and different versions of the same crate are usually quite similar. To take advantage of this, cargo vet suggest can estimate the lowest-effort audits you can perform to reduce the number of entries in exemptions, and consequently, your attack surface.

More precisely, cargo vet suggest computes the number of lines that would need to be reviewed for each exemptions dependency, and displays them in order. This is the same information you'd get if you emptied out exemptions and re-ran cargo vet.

Suggestions from the Registry

When cargo vet suggests audits — either after a failed vet or during cargo vet suggest — it also fetches the contents of the registry and checks whether any of the available sets contain audits which would fill some or all of the gap. If so, it enumerates them so that the developer can consider importing them in lieu of performing the entire audit themselves:

$ cargo vet suggest recommended audits for safe-to-deploy: cargo vet inspect baz 1.3 (used by mycrate) (2033 lines) NOTE: cargo vet import mozilla would reduce this to a 17-line diff cargo vet inspect quxx 2.0 (used by baz) (1000 lines) NOTE: cargo vet import mozilla would eliminate this estimated audit backlog: 3033 lines Use |cargo vet certify| to record the audits.

Trusting Publishers

In addition to audits, cargo vet also supports trusting releases of a given crate by a specific publisher.


The core purpose of cargo vet is to assign trust to the contents of each crate you use. The tool is audit-oriented because the crates in the ecosystem are very heterogeneous in origin: it's usually impractical to require that every dependency was developed by a trusted source, so the next best thing is to ensure that everything has been audited by a trusted source.

However, there are cases where you do trust the developer. Rather than requiring an additional audit record for these crates, cargo vet allows you to declare that you trust the developer of a given crate to always release code which meets the desired criteria.


Trusted publishers may be added with cargo vet trust. Entries require a trust expiration date, which ensures that the judgment is revisited periodically.

The trust relationships are recorded in the trusted section of audits.toml:

[[trusted.baz]] criteria = "safe-to-deploy" user-id = 5555 // Alice Jones start = ... end = ... notes = "Alice is an excellent developer and super-trustworthy."


When there is an existing trust entry for a given publisher in your audit set or that of your imports, cargo vet suggest will suggest that you consider adding trust entries for a new unaudited crate by the same publisher:

$ cargo vet suggest recommended audits for safe-to-deploy: cargo vet inspect baz 1.3 (used by mycrate) (2033 lines) NOTE: mozilla trusts Alice Jones (ajones) - consider cargo vet trust baz or cargo vet trust --all ajones

Trust entries are fundamentally a heuristic. The trusted publisher is not consulted and may or may not have personally authored or reviewed all the code. Thus it is important to assess the risk and potentially do some investigation on the development and release process before trusting a crate.

Specifying Policies

By default, cargo vet checks all transitive dependencies of all top-level crates against the following criteria on all-platforms:

  • For regular dependencies: safe-to-deploy
  • For dev-dependencies: safe-to-run
  • For build-dependencies1: safe-to-deploy

In some situations, you may be able to reduce your workload by encoding your requirements more precisely. For example, your workspace might contain both a production product and an internal tool, and you might decide that the dependencies of the latter need only be safe-to-run.

If the default behavior works for you, there's no need to specify anything. If you wish to encode policies such as the above, you can do so in config.toml.



Strictly speaking, we want the build-dependencies themselves to be safe-to-run and their contribution to the build (e.g., generated code) to be safe-to-deploy. Rather than introduce separate criteria to handle this nuance explicitly, cargo-vet bundles it into the definition of safe-to-deploy. This keeps things more simple and intuitive without sacrificing much precision, since in practice it's generally quite clear whether a crate is intended to operate at build time or at run time.

Multiple Repositories

The discussion thus far assumes the project exists in a single repository, but it's common for organizations to manage code across multiple repositories. At first glance this presents a dilemma as to whether to centralize or distribute the audit records. Putting them all in one place makes them easier to consume, but more cumbersome to produce, since updating a package in one repository may require a developer to record a new audit in another repository.

The cargo vet aggregate subcommand resolves this tension. The command itself simply takes a list of audit file URLs, and produces a single merged file1. The recommended workflow is as follows:

  1. Create a dedicated repository to host the merged audits (example).
  2. Add a file called sources.list to this repository, which contains a plain list of URLs for the audit files in each project.
  3. Create a recurring task on that repository to invoke cargo vet aggregate sources.list > audits.toml and commit the result if changed2.
  4. Add the aggregated audit file to the imports table of each individual repository.

Beyond streamlining the workflow within the project, this approach also makes it easy for others to import the full audit set without needing to navigate the details of various source repositories.


The entries in the new file have an additional aggregated-from field which points to their original location.


On GitHub, this can be accomplished by adding the following to .github/workflows/aggregate.yml:

name: CI on: schedule: # Every five minutes (maximum frequency allowed by GitHub) - cron: '*/5 * * * *' permissions: contents: write jobs: aggregate: name: Aggregate Dependencies runs-on: ubuntu-latest env: CARGO_VET_VERSION: X.Y.Z steps: - uses: actions/checkout@master - name: Install Rust run: rustup update stable && rustup default stable - uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: ${{ runner.tool_cache }}/cargo-vet key: cargo-vet-bin-${{ env.CARGO_VET_VERSION }} - name: Add the tool cache directory to the search path run: echo "${{ runner.tool_cache }}/cargo-vet/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH - name: Ensure that the tool cache is populated with the cargo-vet binary run: cargo install --root ${{ runner.tool_cache }}/cargo-vet --version ${{ env.CARGO_VET_VERSION }} cargo-vet - name: Invoke cargo-vet aggregate run: cargo vet aggregate --output-file audits.toml sources.list - name: Commit changes (if any) run: | git config --global "cargo-vet[bot]" git config --global "cargo-vet-aggregate@invalid" git add audits.toml git commit -m "Aggregate new audits" || true - name: Push changes (if any) run: git push origin main

Configuring CI

As a final step in setting up a project, you should enable verification to run as part of your project's continuous integration system.

If your project is hosted on GitHub, you can accomplish this by adding the following to a new or existing .yml file in .github/workflows (with X.Y.Z replaced with your desired version):

name: CI on: [push, pull_request] jobs: cargo-vet: name: Vet Dependencies runs-on: ubuntu-latest env: CARGO_VET_VERSION: X.Y.Z steps: - uses: actions/checkout@master - name: Install Rust run: rustup update stable && rustup default stable - uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: ${{ runner.tool_cache }}/cargo-vet key: cargo-vet-bin-${{ env.CARGO_VET_VERSION }} - name: Add the tool cache directory to the search path run: echo "${{ runner.tool_cache }}/cargo-vet/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH - name: Ensure that the tool cache is populated with the cargo-vet binary run: cargo install --root ${{ runner.tool_cache }}/cargo-vet --version ${{ env.CARGO_VET_VERSION }} cargo-vet - name: Invoke cargo-vet run: cargo vet --locked

This will ensure that that all changes made to your repository, either via a PR or a direct push, have a fully-vetted dependency set. The extra logic around the tool cache allows GitHub to persist a copy of the cargo-vet binary rather than compiling it from scratch each time, enabling results to be displayed within a few seconds rather than several minutes.

Curating Your Audit Set

Each entry in your audits.toml represents your organization's seal of approval. What that means is ultimately up to you, but you should be mindful of the trust that others may be placing in you and the consequences for your brand if that trust is broken.

This section outlines some norms and best-practices for responsible participation in the cargo-vet ecosystem.

Oversight and Enforcement

The most essential step is to ensure that you have adequate access controls on your supply-chain directory (specifically audits.toml). For small projects where a handful of maintainers review every change, the repository's ordinary controls may be sufficient. But as the set of maintainers grows, there is an increasing risk that someone unfamiliar with the significance of audits.toml will approve an audit without appropriate scrutiny.

For projects where more than five individuals can approve changes, we recommend designating a small group of individuals to oversee the audit set and ensure that all submissions meet the organization's standards (example). GitHub-hosted projects can use the CODEOWNERS file to ensure that all submissions are approved by a member of that group.

Evaluating Submissions

When someone submits an audit, there is no real way to check their work. So while code submissions from anonymous contributors can often be quite valuable, audits need to come from a known individual who you trust to represent your organization. Such a person should have the technical proficiency to reliably identify problems, the professionalism to do a good job, and the integrity to be truthful about their findings.

A good litmus test is whether you would permit this individual to single-handedly review and accept a patch from an anonymous contributor. The simplest approach is just to restrict audit submissions to that set of people. However, there may be situations where you find it reasonable to widen the set — such as former maintainers who depart on good terms, or individuals at other organizations with whom you have extensive relationships and wouldn't hesitate to bring on board if the opportunity arose.


A natural consequence of the above is that there is no general prohibition against organizations certifying crates that they themselves published. The purpose of auditing is to extend an organization's seal of approval to code they didn't write. The purpose is not to add additional layers of review to code that they did write, which carries that seal by default.

Self-certified crates should meet an organization's own standards for first-party code, which generally involves every line having undergone proper code review. This "second set of eyes" principle is important, it's just not one that cargo-vet can mechanically enforce in this context. In the future, cargo-vet may add support for requiring that crates have been audited by N organizations, which would provide stronger guarantees about independent review.

For crates with frequent updates, self-certifying each individual release can be a chore. The wildcard audit feature is designed to address this by allowing organizations to self-certify any release of a crate published by a given account within a specified time interval.


This chapter of the book provides more detail and documentation about specific aspects of cargo vet.


This section describes the structure and semantics of the various configuration files used by cargo vet.


By default, cargo vet data lives in a supply-chain directory next to Cargo.lock. This location is configurable via the [] directive in Cargo.toml, as well as via [] when using a workspace with a virtual root.

The default configuration is equivalent to the following:

[] store = { path = './supply-chain' }


This file contains the audits performed by the project members and descriptions of the audit criteria. The information in this file can be imported by other projects.

The criteria Table

This table defines different sets of custom criteria. Entries have several potential fields:


A concise description of the criteria. This field (or description-url) is required.


An alternative to description which locates the criteria text at a publicly-accessible URL. This can be useful for sharing criteria descriptions across multiple repositories.


An optional string or array of other criteria that are subsumed by this entry. Audit entries that are certified with these criteria are also implicitly certified with any implied criteria.

For example, specifying the built-in criteria as custom criteria would look like this:

[] description = '...' [] description = '...' implies = 'safe-to-run'

The audits Table

This table contains the audit entries, indexed by crate name. Because there are often multiple audits per crate (different versions, delta audits, etc), audit entries are specified as table arrays, i.e. [[]].

The semantics of the various audit entries keys are described here.

The trusted Table

This table contains the trusted publisher entries, indexed by crate name. Because there may be multiple publishers per crate, trusted entries are specified as table arrays, i.e. [[]].

The semantics of the various trusted entries keys are described here.


This file contains configuration information for this specific project. This file cannot be imported by other projects.


This top-level key specifies the default criteria that cargo vet certify will use when recording audits. If unspecified, this defaults to safe-to-deploy.

The cargo-vet Table

This table contains metadata used to track the version of cargo-vet used to create the store, and may be used in the future to allow other global configuration details to be specified.

The imports Table

This table enumerates the external audit sets that are imported into this project. The key is a user-defined nickname, so entries are specified as [].


Specifies an HTTPS url from which the remote audits.toml can be fetched. This field is required.


A table specifying mappings from the imported audit set to local criteria. Each imported audit's criteria is mapped through these import maps, considering the peer's implies relationships, and transformed into a set of local criteria when importing.

[imports.peer.criteria-map] peer-criteria = "local-criteria" their-super-audited = ["safe-to-deploy", "audited"]

Unless otherwise specified, the peer's safe-to-run and safe-to-deploy criteria will be implicitly mapped to the local safe-to-run and safe-to-deploy criteria. This can be overridden by specifying the mapping for safe-to-run or safe-to-deploy in the criteria map.

[imports.peer.criteria-map] safe-to-run = [] safe-to-deploy = "safe-to-run"

Other unmapped criteria will be discarded when importing.


A list of crates whose audit entries should not be imported from this source. This can be used as a last resort to resolve disagreements over the suitability of a given crate.

The policy Table

This table allows projects to configure the audit requirements that cargo vet should enforce on various dependencies. When unspecified, non-top-level crates inherit most policy attributes from their parents, whereas top-level crates get the defaults described below.

In this context, "top-level" generally refers to crates with no reverse-dependencies — except when evaluating dev-dependencies, in which case every workspace member is considered a root.

Keys of this table can be crate names (in which case the policy is applied to all versions of the crate) or strings of the form "CRATE:VERSION" (you'll more than likely need to add quotes in TOML because the version string will have periods). If you specify versions, they may only refer to crate versions which are in the graph.


A string or array of strings specifying the criteria that should be enforced for this crate and its dependency subtree.

This may only be specified for first-party crates. Requirements for third-party crates should be applied via inheritance or dependency-criteria.

For top-level crates, defaults to safe-to-deploy.


Same as the above, but applied to dev-dependencies.

For top-level crates, defaults to safe-to-run.


Allows overriding the above values on a per-dependency basis.

[] dependency-criteria = { bar = [] } notes = "bar is only used to implement a foo feature we never plan to enable."

Unlike criteria and dev-criteria, dependency-criteria may apply directly to third-party crates (both foo and bar may be third-party in the above example). Specifying criteria is disallowed for third-party crates because a given third-party crate can often be used in multiple unrelated places in a project's dependency graph. So in the above example, we want to exempt bar from auditing insofar as it's used by foo, but not necessarily if it crops up somewhere else.

Third-party crates with dependency-criteria must be associated with specific versions in the policy table (see the description of policy table keys above). Additionally, if a crate has any dependency-criteria specified and any version exists as a third-party crate in the graph, all versions of the crate must be explicitly specified in the policy table keys.

Defaults to the empty set and is not inherited.


Specifies whether first-party packages with this crate name should receive audit enforcement as if they were fetched from See First-Party Code for more details.


Free-form string for recording rationale or other relevant information.

The exemptions Table

This table enumerates the set of crates which are being used despite missing the required audits. It has a similar structure to the audits table in audits.toml, but each entry has fewer supported fields.


Specifies the exact version which should be exempted.


Specifies the criteria covered by the exemption.


Free-form string for recording rationale or other relevant information.


A boolean indicating whether this entry is eligible to be surfaced by cargo vet suggest.

Defaults to true. This exists to allow you silence certain suggestions that, for whatever reason, you don't plan to act on in the immediate future.


This file is auto-generated by cargo vet and its format should be treated as an implementation detail.

Audit Entries

This section defines the semantics of the various keys that may be specified in audit table entries.


Specifies that this audit entry corresponds to an absolute version that was audited for the relevant criteria in its entirety.


Specifies that this audit entry certifies that the delta between two absolute versions preserves the relevant criteria. Deltas can go both forward and backward in the version sequence.

The syntax is version_a -> version_b, where the diff between version_a and version_b was audited.

Note that it's not always possible to conclude that a diff preserves certain properties without also inspecting some portion of the base version. The standard here is that the properties are actually preserved, not merely that that the diff doesn't obviously violate them. It is the responsibility of the auditor to acquire sufficient context to certify the former.


Specifies that the given versions do not meet the associated criteria. Because a range of versions is usually required, this field uses Cargo's standard VersionReq syntax.

If a violation entry exists for a given crate version, cargo vet will reject the dependency even if it's listed in the exemptions table.


Specifies the relevant criteria for this audit. This field is required.


A string identifying the auditor. When invoking cargo vet certify, the value is auto-populated from the git config.

This field is optional, but encouraged for two reasons:

  • It makes it easier to attribute audits at a glance, particularly for remotely-hosted audit files.
  • It emphasizes to the author that they are signing off on having performed the audit.


An optional free-form string containing any information the auditor may wish to record.

Wildcard Audit Entries

Wildcard audits are a special type of audit intended as a convenience mechanism for organizations that self-certify their own crates. Using this feature, an organization can publish an audit which applies to all versions published by a given account, avoiding the need to add a new entry to audits.toml for each new version of the package.

Wildcard audits live at the top of audits.toml and look like this:

[[]] who = ... criteria = ... user-id = ... start = ... end = ... renew = ... notes = ...

Whereas a regular audit certifies that the individual has verified that the crate contents meet the criteria, a wildcard audit certifies that any version of the crate published by the given account will meet the criteria. In effect, the author is vouching for the integrity of the entire release process, i.e. that releases are always cut from a branch for which every change has been approved by a trusted individual who will enforce the criteria.

Wildcard audits can be added with cargo vet certify using the --wildcard option. By default, this sets the end date to one year in the future. Once added (whether manually or by cargo vet certify --wildcard), the end date can be updated to one year in the future using the cargo vet renew CRATE command. cargo vet renew --expiring can be used to automatically update all audits which would expire in the next six weeks or have already expired, and don't have renew = false specified.


Specifies the user-id of the user who's published versions should be audited. This ID is unfortunately not exposed on the website, but will be filled based on username if using the cargo vet certify --wildcard $USER command. This field is required.


Earliest day of publication which should be considered certified by the wildcard audit. Crates published by the user before this date will not be considered as certified. This field is required.

Note that publication dates use UTC rather than local time.


Latest day of publication which should be considered certified by the wildcard audit. Crates published by the user after this date will not be considered as certified. This date may be at most 1 year in the future. This field is required.

Note that publication dates use UTC rather than local time.


Specifies whether cargo vet check should suggest renewal for this audit if the end date is going to expire within the next six weeks (or has already expired), and whether cargo vet renew --expiring should renew this audit.


Specifies the relevant criteria for this wildcard audit. This field is required.


A string identifying the auditor. When invoking cargo vet certify, the value is auto-populated from the git config.

See the documentation for Audit Entries for more details.

Note that while the who user may be different than user specified by user-id, they should generally either be the same person, or have a close relationship (e.g. a team lead certifying a shared publishing account).


An optional free-form string containing any information the auditor may wish to record.

Trusted Package Entries

This section defines the semantics of the various keys that may be specified in trusted table entries.


Specifies the relevant criteria under which the crate and publisher is trusted. This field is required. This may be a single criteria or an array of criteria.


Specified the user id of the user which is trusted. Note that this is the user id, not the user ame.


Earliest day of publication which should be considered trusted for the crate and user. Crates published by the user before this date will not be considered as certified. This field is required.

Note that publication dates use UTC rather than local time.


Latest day of publication which should be considered trusted for the crate and user. Crates published by the user after this date will not be considered as certified. This date may be at most 1 year in the future. This field is required.

Note that publication dates use UTC rather than local time.


An optional free-form string containing any information regarding the trust of this crate and user.

Built-In Criteria

While you can define whatever criteria you like, cargo vet includes two commonly-used audit criteria out of the box. These criteria are automatically mapped across projects.


This crate can be compiled, run, and tested on a local workstation or in controlled automation without surprising consequences, such as: * Reading or writing data from sensitive or unrelated parts of the filesystem. * Installing software or reconfiguring the device. * Connecting to untrusted network endpoints. * Misuse of system resources (e.g. cryptocurrency mining).


This crate will not introduce a serious security vulnerability to production software exposed to untrusted input. Auditors are not required to perform a full logic review of the entire crate. Rather, they must review enough to fully reason about the behavior of all unsafe blocks and usage of powerful imports. For any reasonable usage of the crate in real-world software, an attacker must not be able to manipulate the runtime behavior of these sections in an exploitable or surprising way. Ideally, all unsafe code is fully sound, and ambient capabilities (e.g. filesystem access) are hardened against manipulation and consistent with the advertised behavior of the crate. However, some discretion is permitted. In such cases, the nature of the discretion should be recorded in the `notes` field of the audit record. For crates which generate deployed code (e.g. build dependencies or procedural macros), reasonable usage of the crate should output code which meets the above criteria.

This implies safe-to-run.

First-Party Code

When run, cargo vet invokes the cargo metadata subcommand to learn about the crate graph. When traversing the graph, cargo vet enforces audits for all dependencies.

Generally speaking, all other nodes in the graph are considered trusted and therefore non-auditable. This includes root crates, path dependencies, git dependencies, and custom ( registry dependencies.

However, there are some situations which blur the line between first- and third-party code. This can occur, for example, when the [patch] table is used to replace the contents of a package with a locally-modified version. Sometimes the replacement is rewritten from scratch, but often it's derived from the original, sometimes just with a single modification. Insofar as the package you're using is still primarily third-party code, you'll want to audit it like anything else — but cargo-vet has no foolproof way to mechanically deduce whether the replacement is a derived work.

To ensure the right thing happens, cargo-vet detects these ambiguous situations and requires the user to specify the intended behavior. Specifically, if there exists a public crate with the same name and version as a given first-party crate, cargo-vet will require a policy entry for that crate specifying audit-as-crates-io as either true or false1. If it's set to true, cargo-vet will perform audit enforcement.

When enabled for a git dependency, this enforcement is precise. It requires an audit for the base published version that exists on, and then one or more delta audits from that base version to the specific git commit used by the build graph. Git commits are identified with an extended x.y.z@git:SHA syntax. They may only appear in delta audits and should be performed relative to the nearest published version, which ensures that audit information is recorded in terms of published versions wherever possible for the sake of reusability by others.

When enabled for a path dependency, this enforcement is not precise, because cargo-vet lacks a hash by which to uniquely identify the actual package contents. In this case, only an audit for the base published version is required. It's important to note that any audits for such crates always correspond to the original version. This is what inspect and certify will display, and this is what you should review before certifying, since others in the ecosystem may rely on your audits when using the original crate without your particular modifications.

If audit-as-crates-io is enabled for a path dependency with a version which has not been published on, cargo-vet will instead require an audit of the latest published version before the local version, ensuring all audits correspond to a crate on crates.io2. If the local version is later published, cargo vet will warn you, allowing you to update your audits.



To enable an easy setup experience, cargo vet init will attempt to guess the value of audit-as-crates-io for pre-existing packages during initialization, and generate exemptions for the packages for which the generated value is true. At present it will guess true if either the description or repository fields in Cargo.toml are non-empty and match the current values on This behavior can also be triggered for newly-added dependencies with cargo vet regenerate audit-as-crates-io, but you should verify the results.


Which version is used for an unpublished crate will be recorded in imports.lock to ensure that cargo vet will continue to pass as new versions are published. Stale unpublished entries will be cleaned up by prune when they are no longer required for cargo vet to pass, and can also be regenerated using cargo vet regenerate unpublished, though this may cause cargo vet to start failing.


This section aims to address a few frequently-asked questions whose answers don't quite fit elsewhere in the book.

Why does cargo vet init automatically exempt all existing dependencies?

A key goal of cargo vet is to make it very easy to go from first learning about the tool to having it running on CI. Having an open-ended task — like auditing one or more crates — on that critical path increases the chance that the developer gets side-tracked and never completes the setup. So the idea is to enable developers to quickly get to a green state, and then use cargo vet suggest to ratchet down the set of exemptions at their own pace.

How does this relate to cargo crev?

This work was partially inspired by cargo crev, and borrows some aspects from its design. We are grateful for its existence and the hard work behind it. cargo vet makes a few design choices that differ from cargo crev:

  • Project-Oriented: cargo vet is geared towards usage by organizations, and therefore does not separate audits by individual developer. Consequently, it does not have a separate identity and authentication layer.
  • No Web-of-Trust: there is no notion of transitive trust. The decision to trust audits performed by another party is independent of that party's trust choices, which might be rooted in a different threat model.
  • Automated Enforcement: cargo vet is designed to be run as an enforcement tool for projects to manage (rather than just inspect) their supply chains, and consequently has a number of affordances in this direction.
  • Audit Criteria: cargo vet supports recording multiple kinds of audits.

Eventually, it could make sense to implement some form of bridging between the two systems.


This section documents the command-line interface of cargo vet. The documentation is automatically generated from the implementation, and so it may be incomplete in some areas where the code remains under development.

When run without a subcommand, cargo vet will invoke the check subcommand. See cargo vet help check for more details.


cargo vet [OPTIONS]
cargo vet <SUBCOMMAND>


-h, --help

Print help information

-V, --version

Print version information


--manifest-path <PATH>

Path to Cargo.toml

--store-path <STORE_PATH>

Path to the supply-chain directory


Don't use --all-features

We default to passing --all-features to cargo metadata because we want to analyze your full dependency tree


Do not activate the default feature

--features <FEATURES>

Space-separated list of features to activate


Do not fetch new imported audits


Avoid the network entirely, requiring either that the cargo cache is populated or the dependencies are vendored. Requires --locked


Prevent commands such as check and certify from automatically cleaning up unused exemptions


Prevent commands such as check and suggest from suggesting registry imports

--verbose <VERBOSE>

How verbose logging should be (log level)

[default: warn]
[possible values: off, error, warn, info, debug, trace]

--output-file <OUTPUT_FILE>

Instead of stdout, write output to this file

--log-file <LOG_FILE>

Instead of stderr, write logs to this file (only used after successful CLI parsing)

--output-format <OUTPUT_FORMAT>

The format of the output

[default: human]
[possible values: human, json]

--cache-dir <CACHE_DIR>

Use the following path instead of the global cache directory

The cache stores information such as the summary results used by vet's suggestion machinery, cached results from APIs, and checkouts of crates from in some cases. This is generally automatically managed in the system cache directory.

This mostly exists for testing vet itself.

--filter-graph <FILTER_GRAPH>

Filter out different parts of the build graph and pretend that's the true graph

Example: --filter-graph="exclude(any(eq(is_dev_only(true)),eq(name(serde_derive))))"

This mostly exists to debug or reduce projects that cargo-vet is mishandling. Combining this with cargo vet --output-format=json dump-graph can produce an input that can be added to vet's test suite.

The resulting graph is computed as follows:

  1. First compute the original graph
  2. Then apply the filters to find the new set of nodes
  3. Create a new empty graph
  4. For each workspace member that still exists, recursively add it and its dependencies

This means that any non-workspace package that becomes "orphaned" by the filters will be implicitly discarded even if it passes the filters.

Possible filters:

  • include($query): only include packages that match this filter
  • exclude($query): exclude packages that match this filter

Possible queries:

  • any($query1, $query2, ...): true if any of the listed queries are true
  • all($query1, $query2, ...): true if all of the listed queries are true
  • not($query): true if the query is false
  • $property: true if the package has this property

Possible properties:

  • name($string): the package's name (i.e. serde)
  • version($version): the package's version (i.e. 1.2.0)
  • is_root($bool): whether it's a root in the original graph (ignoring dev-deps)
  • is_workspace_member($bool): whether the package is a workspace-member (can be tested)
  • is_third_party($bool): whether the package is considered third-party by vet
  • is_dev_only($bool): whether it's only used by dev (test) builds in the original graph

--cargo-arg <CARGO_ARG>

Arguments to pass through to cargo. It can be specified multiple times for multiple arguments.

Example: --cargo-arg=-Zbindeps

This allows using unstable options in Cargo if a project's Cargo.toml requires them.


  • check: [default] Check that the current project has been vetted
  • suggest: Suggest some low-hanging fruit to review
  • init: Initialize cargo-vet for your project
  • inspect: Fetch the source of a package
  • diff: Yield a diff against the last reviewed version
  • certify: Mark a package as audited
  • import: Import a new peer's imports
  • trust: Trust a given crate and publisher
  • regenerate: Explicitly regenerate various pieces of information
  • add-exemption: Mark a package as exempted from review
  • record-violation: Declare that some versions of a package violate certain audit criteria
  • fmt: Reformat all of vet's files (in case you hand-edited them)
  • prune: Prune unnecessary imports and exemptions
  • aggregate: Fetch and merge audits from multiple sources into a single audits.toml file
  • dump-graph: Print the cargo build graph as understood by cargo vet
  • gc: Clean up old packages from the vet cache
  • renew: Renew wildcard audit expirations
  • help: Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

cargo vet check

[default] Check that the current project has been vetted

This is the default behaviour if no subcommand is specified.

If the check fails due to lack of audits, we will do our best to explain why vetting failed, and what should be done to fix it. This can involve a certain amount of guesswork, as there are many possible solutions and we only want to recommend the "best" one to keep things simple.

Failures and suggestions can either be "Certain" or "Speculative". Speculative items are greyed out and sorted lower to indicate that the Certain entries should be looked at first. Speculative items are for packages that probably need audits too, but only appear as transitive dependencies of Certain items.

During review of Certain issues you may take various actions that change what's needed for the Speculative ones. For instance you may discover you're enabling a feature you don't need, and that's the only reason the Speculative package is in your tree. Or you may determine that the Certain package only needs to be safe-to-run, which may make the Speculative requirements weaker or completely resolved. For these reasons we recommend fixing problems "top down", and Certain items are The Top.

Suggested fixes are grouped by the criteria they should be reviewed for and sorted by how easy the review should be (in terms of lines of code). We only ever suggest audits (and provide the command you need to run to do it), but there are other possible fixes like an exemption or policy change.

The most aggressive solution is to run cargo vet regenerate exemptions which will add whatever exemptions necessary to make check pass (and remove uneeded ones). Ideally you should avoid doing this and prefer adding audits, but if you've done all the audits you plan on doing, that's the way to finish the job.


cargo vet check [OPTIONS]


-h, --help

Print help information


This subcommand accepts all the global options

cargo vet suggest

Suggest some low-hanging fruit to review

This is essentially the same as check but with all your exemptions temporarily removed as a way to inspect your "review backlog". As such, we recommend against running this command while check is failing, because this will just give you worse information.

If you don't consider an exemption to be "backlog", add suggest = false to its entry and we won't remove it while suggesting.

See also regenerate exemptions, which can be used to "garbage collect" your backlog (if you run it while check is passing).


cargo vet suggest [OPTIONS]


-h, --help

Print help information


This subcommand accepts all the global options

cargo vet init

Initialize cargo-vet for your project

This will add exemptions and audit-as-crates-io = false for all packages that need it to make check pass immediately and make it easy to start using vet with your project.

At this point you can either configure your project further or start working on your review backlog with suggest.


cargo vet init [OPTIONS]


-h, --help

Print help information


This subcommand accepts all the global options

cargo vet inspect

Fetch the source of a package

We will attempt to guess what criteria you want to audit the package for based on the current check/ suggest status, and show you the meaning of those criteria ahead of time.


cargo vet inspect [OPTIONS] <PACKAGE> <VERSION>



The package to inspect


The version to inspect


--mode <MODE>

How to inspect the source

Defaults to the most recently used --mode argument, or if no mode argument has been used.

This option is ignored if a git version is passed.

[possible values: local, sourcegraph,]

-h, --help

Print help information


This subcommand accepts all the global options

cargo vet diff

Yield a diff against the last reviewed version

We will attempt to guess what criteria you want to audit the package for based on the current check/ suggest status, and show you the meaning of those criteria ahead of time.


cargo vet diff [OPTIONS] <PACKAGE> <VERSION1> <VERSION2>



The package to diff


The base version to diff


The target version to diff


--mode <MODE>

How to inspect the diff

Defaults to the most recently used --mode argument, or if no mode argument has been used.

This option is ignored if a git version is passed.

[possible values: local, sourcegraph,]

-h, --help

Print help information


This subcommand accepts all the global options

cargo vet certify

Mark a package as audited

This command will do its best to guess what you want to be certifying.

If invoked with no args, it will try to certify the last thing you looked at with inspect or diff. Otherwise you must either supply the package name and one version (for a full audit) or two versions (for a delta audit).

Once the package+version(s) have been selected, we will try to guess what criteria to certify it for. First we will check, and if the check fails and your audit would seemingly fix this package, we will use the criteria recommended for that fix. If check passes, we will assume you are working on your backlog and instead use the recommendations of suggest.

If this removes the need for an exemption will we automatically remove it.


cargo vet certify [OPTIONS] [ARGS]



The package to certify as audited


The version to certify as audited


If present, instead certify a diff from version1->version2


--wildcard <WILDCARD>

If present, certify a wildcard audit for the user with the given username.

Use the --start-date and --end-date options to specify the date range to certify for.

--criteria <CRITERIA>

The criteria to certify for this audit

If not provided, we will prompt you for this information.

--who <WHO>

Who to name as the auditor

If not provided, we will collect this information from the local git.

--notes <NOTES>

A free-form string to include with the new audit entry

If not provided, there will be no notes.

--start-date <START_DATE>

Start date to create a wildcard audit from.

Only valid with --wildcard.

If not provided, will be the publication date of the first version published by the given user.

--end-date <END_DATE>

End date to create a wildcard audit from. May be at most 1 year in the future.

Only valid with --wildcard.

If not provided, will be 1 year from the current date.


Accept all criteria without an interactive prompt


Force the command to ignore whether the package/version makes sense

To catch typos/mistakes, we check if the thing you're trying to talk about is part of your current build, but this flag disables that.


Prevent combination of the audit with a prior adjacent non-importable git audit, if any.

This will only have an effect if the supplied from version is a git version.

For example, normally an existing audit from 1.0.0->1.0.0@git:1111111 and a new certified audit from 1.0.0@git:1111111->1.0.0@git:2222222 would result in a single audit from 1.0.0->1.0.0@git:2222222. Passing this flag would prevent this.

-h, --help

Print help information


This subcommand accepts all the global options

cargo vet import

Import a new peer's imports

If invoked without a URL parameter, it will look up the named peer in the cargo-vet registry, and import that peer.


cargo vet import [OPTIONS] <NAME> [URL]...



The name of the peer to import


The URL(s) of the peer's audits.toml file(s).

If a URL is not provided, a peer with the given name will be looked up in the cargo-vet registry to determine the import URL(s).


-h, --help

Print help information


This subcommand accepts all the global options

cargo vet trust

Trust a given crate and publisher


cargo vet trust [OPTIONS] [ARGS]



The package to trust

Must be specified unless --all has been specified.


The username of the publisher to trust

If not provided, will be inferred to be the sole known publisher of the given crate. If there is more than one publisher for the given crate, the login must be provided explicitly.


--criteria <CRITERIA>

The criteria to certify for this trust entry

If not provided, we will prompt you for this information.

--start-date <START_DATE>

Start date to create the trust entry from.

If not provided, will be the publication date of the first version published by the given user.

--end-date <END_DATE>

End date to create the trust entry from. May be at most 1 year in the future.

If not provided, will be 1 year from the current date.

--notes <NOTES>

A free-form string to include with the new audit entry

If not provided, there will be no notes.

--all <ALL>

If specified, trusts all packages with exemptions or failures which are solely published by the given user


If specified along with --all, also trusts packages with multiple publishers, so long as at least one version was published by the given user

-h, --help

Print help information


This subcommand accepts all the global options

cargo vet regenerate

Explicitly regenerate various pieces of information

There are several things that cargo vet can do for you automatically but we choose to make manual just to keep a human in the loop of those decisions. Some of these might one day become automatic if we agree they're boring/reliable enough.

See the subcommands for specifics.


cargo vet regenerate [OPTIONS] <SUBCOMMAND>


-h, --help

Print help information


This subcommand accepts all the global options


  • exemptions: Regenerate your exemptions to make check pass minimally
  • imports: Regenerate your imports and accept changes to criteria
  • audit-as-crates-io: Add audit-as-crates-io to the policy entry for all crates which require one
  • unpublished: Remove all outdated unpublished entries for crates which have since been published, or should now be audited as a more-recent version
  • help: Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

cargo vet exemptions

Regenerate your exemptions to make check pass minimally

This command can be used for two purposes: to force your supply-chain to pass check when it's currently failing, or to minimize/garbage-collect your exemptions when it's already passing. These are ultimately the same operation.

We will try our best to preserve existing exemptions, removing only those that aren't needed, and adding only those that are needed. Exemptions that are overbroad may also be weakened (i.e. safe-to-deploy may be reduced to safe-to-run).


cargo vet regenerate exemptions [OPTIONS]


-h, --help

Print help information


This subcommand accepts all the global options

cargo vet imports

Regenerate your imports and accept changes to criteria

This is equivalent to cargo vet fetch-imports but it won't produce an error if the descriptions of foreign criteria change.


cargo vet regenerate imports [OPTIONS]


-h, --help

Print help information


This subcommand accepts all the global options

cargo vet audit-as-crates-io

Add audit-as-crates-io to the policy entry for all crates which require one.

Crates which have a matching description and repository entry to a published crate on will be marked as audit-as-crates-io = true.


cargo vet regenerate audit-as-crates-io [OPTIONS]


-h, --help

Print help information


This subcommand accepts all the global options

cargo vet unpublished

Remove all outdated unpublished entries for crates which have since been published, or should now be audited as a more-recent version.

Unlike cargo vet prune, this will remove outdated unpublished entries even if it will cause check to start failing.


cargo vet regenerate unpublished [OPTIONS]


-h, --help

Print help information


This subcommand accepts all the global options

cargo vet help

Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)


cargo vet regenerate help [OPTIONS] [SUBCOMMAND]...



The subcommand whose help message to display


This subcommand accepts all the global options

cargo vet add-exemption

Mark a package as exempted from review

Exemptions are usually just "backlog" and the expectation is that you will review them "eventually". You should usually only be trying to remove them, but sometimes additions are necessary to make progress.

regenerate exemptions will do this for your automatically to make check pass (and remove any unnecessary ones), so we recommend using that over add-exemption. This command mostly exists as "plumbing" for building tools on top of cargo vet.


cargo vet add-exemption [OPTIONS] <PACKAGE> <VERSION>



The package to mark as exempted


The version to mark as exempted


--criteria <CRITERIA>

The criteria to assume (trust)

If not provided, we will prompt you for this information.

--notes <NOTES>

A free-form string to include with the new forbid entry

If not provided, there will be no notes.


Suppress suggesting this exemption for review


Force the command to ignore whether the package/version makes sense

To catch typos/mistakes, we check if the thing you're trying to talk about is part of your current build, but this flag disables that.

-h, --help

Print help information


This subcommand accepts all the global options

cargo vet record-violation

Declare that some versions of a package violate certain audit criteria

IMPORTANT: violations take VersionReqs not Versions. This is the same syntax used by Cargo.toml when specifying dependencies. A bare 1.0.0 actually means ^1.0.0. If you want to forbid a specific version, use =1.0.0. This command can be a bit awkward because syntax like * has special meaning in scripts and terminals. It's probably easier to just manually add the entry to your audits.toml, but the command's here in case you want it.

Violations are essentially treated as integrity constraints on your supply-chain, and will only result in errors if you have exemptions or audits (including imported ones) that claim criteria that are contradicted by the violation. It is not inherently an error to depend on a package with a violation.

For instance, someone may review a package and determine that it's horribly unsound in the face of untrusted inputs, and therefore unsafe-to-deploy. They would then add a "safe-to-deploy" violation for whatever versions of that package seem to have that problem. But if the package basically works fine on trusted inputs, it might still be safe-to-run. So if you use it in your tests and have an audit that only claims safe-to-run, we won't mention it.

When a violation does cause an integrity error, it's up to you and your peers to figure out what to do about it. There isn't yet a mechanism for dealing with disagreements with a peer's published violations.


cargo vet record-violation [OPTIONS] <PACKAGE> <VERSIONS>



The package to forbid


The versions to forbid


--criteria <CRITERIA>

The criteria that have failed to be satisfied.

If not provided, we will prompt you for this information(?)

--who <WHO>

Who to name as the auditor

If not provided, we will collect this information from the local git.

--notes <NOTES>

A free-form string to include with the new forbid entry

If not provided, there will be no notes.


Force the command to ignore whether the package/version makes sense

To catch typos/mistakes, we check if the thing you're trying to talk about is part of your current build, but this flag disables that.

-h, --help

Print help information


This subcommand accepts all the global options

cargo vet fmt

Reformat all of vet's files (in case you hand-edited them)

Most commands will implicitly do this, so this mostly exists as "plumbing" for building tools on top of vet, or in case you don't want to run another command.


cargo vet fmt [OPTIONS]


-h, --help

Print help information


This subcommand accepts all the global options

cargo vet prune

Prune unnecessary imports and exemptions

This will fetch the updated state of imports, and attempt to remove any now-unnecessary imports or exemptions from the supply-chain.


cargo vet prune [OPTIONS]



Don't prune unused imports


Don't prune unused exemptions


Don't prune unused non-importable audits

-h, --help

Print help information


This subcommand accepts all the global options

cargo vet aggregate

Fetch and merge audits from multiple sources into a single audits.toml file.

Will fetch the audits from each URL in the provided file, combining them into a single file. Custom criteria will be merged by-name, and must have identical descriptions in each source audit file.


cargo vet aggregate [OPTIONS] <SOURCES>



Path to a file containing a list of URLs to aggregate the audits from


-h, --help

Print help information


This subcommand accepts all the global options

cargo vet dump-graph

Print the cargo build graph as understood by cargo vet

This is a debugging command, the output's format is not guaranteed. Use cargo metadata to get a stable version of what cargo thinks the build graph is. Our graph is based on that result.

With --output-format=human (the default) this will print out mermaid-js diagrams, which things like github natively support rendering of.

With --output-format=json we will print out more raw statistics for you to search/analyze.

Most projects will have unreadably complex build graphs, so you may want to use the global --filter-graph argument to narrow your focus on an interesting subgraph. --filter-graph is applied before doing any semantic analysis, so if you filter out a package and it was the problem, the problem will disappear. This can be used to bisect a problem if you get ambitious enough with your filters.


cargo vet dump-graph [OPTIONS]


--depth <DEPTH>

The depth of the graph to print (for a large project, the full graph is a HUGE MESS)

[default: first-party]
[possible values: roots, workspace, first-party, first-party-and-directs, full]

-h, --help

Print help information


This subcommand accepts all the global options

cargo vet gc

Clean up old packages from the vet cache

Removes packages which haven't been accessed in a while, and deletes any extra files which aren't recognized by cargo-vet.

In the future, many cargo-vet subcommands will implicitly do this.


cargo vet gc [OPTIONS]


--max-package-age-days <MAX_PACKAGE_AGE_DAYS>

Packages in the vet cache which haven't been used for this many days will be removed

[default: 30]


Remove the entire cache directory, forcing it to be regenerated next time you use cargo vet

-h, --help

Print help information


This subcommand accepts all the global options

cargo vet renew

Renew wildcard audit expirations

This will set a wildcard audit expiration to be one year in the future from when it is run. It can optionally do this for all audits which are expiring soon.


cargo vet renew [OPTIONS] [CRATE]



The name of a crate to renew



Renew all wildcard audits which will have expired six weeks from now


Renew wildcard audits for inactive crates which have not been updated in 4 months

-h, --help

Print help information


This subcommand accepts all the global options

cargo vet help

Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)


cargo vet help [OPTIONS] [SUBCOMMAND]...



The subcommand whose help message to display


This subcommand accepts all the global options


The Cargo Vet Algorithm

The heart of vet is the "resolver" which takes in your build graph and your supply_chain dir, and determines whether vet check should pass.

If check fails, it tries to determine the reason for that failure (which as we'll see is a non-trivial question). If you request a suggest it will then try to suggest "good" audits that will definitely satisfy check (which is again non-trivial).

These results are a basic building block that most other commands will defer to:

  • vet check (the command run with bare vet) is just this operation
  • vet suggest is this operation with all suggestable exemptions deleted
  • vet certify fills in any unspecified information using this operation
  • vet regenerate generally uses this operation to know what to do

For the sake of clarity, this chapter will also include some discussion of "initialization" which gathers up the input state that the resolver needs.

Initialization Steps

This phase is generally just a bunch of loading, parsing, and validating. Different commands may vary slightly in how they do these steps, as they may implicitly be --locked or --frozen, or want to query hypothetical states.

  1. Acquire the build graph (cargo metadata via the cargo_metadata crate)
  2. Acquire the store (supply_chain) (load, parse, validate)
  3. Update the imports (fetch, parse, validate)
  4. Check audit-as-crates-io (check against local cargo registry)

Resolve Steps

These are the logical steps of the resolver, although they are more interleaved than this initial summary implies:

  1. Build data structures
    1. Construct the DepGraph
    2. Construct the CriteriaMapper
  2. Determine the required criteria for each package
    1. Apply requirements for dev-dependencies
    2. Propagate policy requirements from roots out to leaves
  3. Resolve the validated criteria for each third party ( package
    1. Construct the AuditGraphs for each package (and check violations)
    2. Search for paths in the audit graph validating each requirement
  4. Check if each crate validates for the required criteria
    1. Record caveats which were required in order to satisfy these criteria
  5. Suggest audits to fix leaf failures (the dance of a thousand diffs)

Here in all of its glory is the entirety of the resolver algorithm today in abbreviated pseudo-rust. Each of these steps will be elaborated on in the subsequent sections.

// Step 1a: Build the DepGraph let graph = DepGraph::new(..); // Step 1b: Build the CriteriaMapper let mapper = CriteriaMapper::new(..); // Step 2: Determine the required criteria for each package let requirements = resolve_requirements(..); // Step 3: Resolve the validated criteria for each third-party package for package in &graph.nodes { if !package.is_third_party { continue; } // Step 3a: Construct the AuditGraph for each package let audit_graph = AuditGraph::build(..); // Step 3b: Search for paths in the audit graph validating each requirement let search_results =|criteria|, ..)); // Step 4: Check if the crate validates for the required criteria for criteria in requirements[package] { match &search_results[criteria] { .. } } } // If there were any conflicts with violation entries, bail! if !violations.is_empty() { return ResolveReport { conclusion: Conclusion::FailForViolationConflict(..), .. }; } // If there were no failures, we're done! if failures.is_empty() { return ResolveReport { conclusion: Conclusion::Success(..), .. }; } // Step 5: Suggest time! Compute the simplest audits to fix the failures! let suggest = compute_suggest(..); return ResolveReport { conclusion: Conclusion::FailForVet(..), .. };

As we determine the required criteria in an separate pass, all analysis after that point can be performed in any order. Requirements analysis starts on root nodes and is propagated downwards to leaf nodes.

Step 1a: The DepGraph (Processing Cargo Metadata)

All of our analysis derives from the output of cargo metadata and our interpretation of that, so it's worth discussing how we use it, and what we believe to be true of its output.

Our interpretation of the metadata is the DepGraph. You can dump the DepGraph with cargo vet dump-graph. Most commands take a --filter-graph argument which will force us to discard certain parts of the DepGraph before performing the operation of the command. This can be useful for debugging issues, but we recommend only doing this while --locked to avoid corrupting your store.

By default we run cargo metadata --locked --all-features. If you pass --locked to vet, we will instead pass --frozen to cargo metadata. --all-features can be negated by passing --no-all-features to vet. We otherwise expose the usual feature flags of cargo directly.

The reason we pass --all-features is because we want the "maximal" build graph, which all "real" builds are simply a subset of. Cargo metadata in general provides this, but will omit optional dependencies that are locked behind disabled features. By enabling them all, we should get every possible dependency for every possible feature and platform.

By validating that the maximal build graph is vetted, all possible builds should in turn be vetted, because they are simply subsets of that graph.

Cargo metadata produces the build graph in a kind of awkward way where some information for the packages is in "packages" and some information is in "resolve", and we need to manually compute lots of facts like "roots", "only for tests", and "topological sort" (metadata has a notion of roots, but it's not what you think, and mostly reflects an internal concept of cargo that isn't useful to us).

If we knew about it at the time we might have used guppy to handle interpretting cargo metadata's results. As it stands, we've hand-rolled all that stuff.

Cargo metadata largely uses PackageIds as primary keys for identifying a package in your build, and we largely agree with that internally, but some human-facing interfaces like audits also treat (PackageName, Version) as a valid key. This is a true statement on itself, but may not hold when you include unpublished packages, patches/renames(?), or third party registries. We don't really have a solid disambiguation strategy at the moment, we just assume it doesn't happen and don't worry about it.

The resolver primarily use a PackageIdx as a primary key for packages, which is an interned PackageId. The DepGraph holds this interner.

Dealing With Cycles From Tests

The resolver assumes the maximal graph is a DAG, which is an almost true statement that we can make true with a minor desugaring of the graph. There is only one situation where the cargo build graph is not a DAG: the tests for a crate. This can happen very easily, and is kind of natural, but also very evil when you first learn about it.

As a concrete example, there is kind of a conceptual cycle between serde and serde_derive. However serde_derive is a standalone crate, and serde (optionally) pulls in serde_derive as a dependency... unless you're testing serde_derive, and then serde_derive quite reasonably depends on serde to test its output, creating a cyclic dependency on itself!

The way to resolve this monstrosity is to realize that the tests for serde_derive are actually a different package from serde_derive, which we call serde_derive_dev (because cargo calls test edges "dev dependencies"). So although the graph reported by cargo_metadata looks like a cycle:

serde <-----+ | | | | +--> serde_derive

In actuality, serde_derive_dev breaks the cycle and creates a nice clean DAG:

+--serde_derive_dev ---+ | | | v | v serde | test_only_dep | | | | v ... +--> serde_derive

There is a subtle distinction to be made here for packages only used for tests: these wouldn't be part of the build graph without dev-dependencies (dev edges) but they are still "real" nodes, and all of their dependencies are "real" and still must form a proper DAG. The only packages which can have cycle-causing dev-dependencies, and therefore require a desugaring to produce "fake" nodes, are workspace members. These are the packages that will be tested if you run cargo test --workspace.

Actually doing this desugaring is really messy, because a lot of things about the "real" node are still true about the "fake" node, and we generally want to talk about the "real" node and the "fake" node as if they were one thing. So we actually just analyze the build graph in two steps. To understand how this works, we need to first look at how DAGs are analyzed.

Any analysis on a DAG generally starts with a topological sort, which is just a fancy way of saying you do depth-first-search (DFS) on every root and only use a node only after you've searched all its children (this is the post-order, for graph people). Note that each iteration of DFS reuses the "visited" from the previous iterations, because we only want to visit each node once.

Also note that knowing the roots is simply an optimization, you can just run DFS on every node and you will get a valid topological order -- we run it for all the workspace members, which includes all of the roots, but none of the test-only packages, which will be useful for identifying test-only packages when we get to our desugaring. (You may have workspace members which in fact are only for testing, but as far as vet is concerned those are proper packages in their own right -- those packages are however good candidates for a safe-to-run policy override.)

The key property of a DAG is that if you visit every node in a topological order, then all the transitive dependencies of a node will be visited before it. You can use this fact to compute any property of a node which recursively depends on the properties of its dependencies. More plainly, you can just have a for-loop that computes the properties of each node, and blindly assume that any query about your dependencies will have its results already computed. Nice!

In our algorithm, however, we actually visit in reverse-topological order, so that we know all reverse-dependencies of a node will be visited before it. This is because criteria requirements are inherited by reverse-dependency, (or pushed out from a crate to its dependencies).

With that established, here is the actual approach we use to emulate the "fake" node desugaring:

  1. analyze the build graph without dev deps (edges), which is definitely a DAG
  2. add back the dev deps and reprocess all the nodes as if they were the "fake" node

The key insight to this approach is that the implicit dev nodes are all roots -- nothing depends on them. As a result, adding these nodes can't change which packages the "real" nodes depend on, and any analysis done on them is valid without the dev edges!

When doing the topological sort, because we only run DFS from workspace members, the result of this is that we will visit all the nodes that are part of a "real" build in the first pass, and then the test-only packages in the second pass. This makes computing "test only" packages a convenient side-effect of the topological sort. Hopefully it's clear to you that the resulting ordering functions as a topological sort as long as our recrusive analyses take the form of two loops as so:

for node in topological_sort: analysis_that_DOESNT_query_dev_dependencies(node) for node in topological_sort: analysis_that_CAN_query_dev_dependencies(node)

The second loop is essentially handling all the "fake" dev nodes.

Note that when we run this in a reversed manner to ensure that reverse-dependencies have been checked before a crate is visited, we need to do the dev-dependency analysis first, as the dev-dependency "fake" nodes are effectively appended to the topological sort.

The DepGraph's Contents

The hardest task of the DepGraph is computing the topological sort of the packages as described in the previous section, but it also computes the following facts for each package (node):

  • PackageId (primary key)
  • Version
  • name
  • is_third_party (is_crates_io)
  • is_root
  • is_workspace_member
  • is_dev_only
  • normal_deps
  • build_deps
  • dev_deps
  • reverse_deps

Whether a package is third party is deferred to cargo_metadata's is_crates_io method but overrideable by audit-as-crates-io in config.toml. This completely changes how the resolver handles validating criteria for that package. Packages which aren't third party are referred to as "first party".

Roots are simply packages which have no reverse-deps, which matters because those will implicitly be required to pass the default root policy (safe-to-deploy) if no other policy is specified for them.

Workspace members must pass a dev-policy check, which is the only place where we query dev-dependencies (in the fabled "second pass" from the previous section).

Dev-only packages are only used in tests, and therefore will only by queried in dev-policy checks (and so by default only need to be safe-to-run).

Step 1b: The CriteriaMapper

The CriteriaMapper handles the process of converting between criteria names and CriteriaIndices. It's basically an interner, but made more complicated by the existence of builtins, imports, and "implies" relationships.

The resolver primarily operates on CriteriaSets, which are sets of CriteriaIndices. The purpose of this is to try to handle all the subtleties of criteria in one place to avoid bugs, and to make everything more efficient.

Most of the resolver's operations are things like "union these criteria sets" or "check if this criteria set is a superset of the required one".

There is currently an artificial maximum limit of 64 criteria for you and all your imports to make CriteriaSets efficient (they're just a u64 internally). The code is designed to allow this limit to be easily raised if anyone ever hits it (either with a u128 or a proper BitSet).

Imported criteria are pre-mapped onto local criteria while acquiring the store, by using a CriteriaMapper in the imported namespace to determine implied criteria, and then applying the mappings specified in the criteria-map to determine the corresponding local criteria. This avoids worrying about imported namespaces when running the actual resolver, and helps avoid potential issues with large numbers of criteria.

The biggest complexity of this process is handling "implies". This makes a criteria like safe-to-deploy actually safe-to-deploy AND safe-to-run in most situations. The CriteriaMapper will precompute the transitive closure of implies relationships for each criteria as a CriteriaSet. When mapping the name of a criteria to CriteriaIndices, this CriteriaSet is the thing returned.

When mapping a criteria set to a list of criteria names, we will elide implied criteria (so a ["safe-to-deploy", "safe-to-run"] will just be ["safe-to-deploy"]).

Computing The Transitive Closure of Criteria

The transitive closure of a criteria is the CriteriaSet that would result if you add the criteria itself, and every criteria that implies, and every criteria THEY imply, and so on. This resulting CriteriaSet is effectively the "true" value of a criteria.

We do this by constructing a directed "criteria graph" where an "implies" is an edge. The transitive closure for each criteria can then be computed by running depth-first-search (DFS) on that node, and adding every reachable node to the CriteriaSet.

That's it!

Being able to precompute the transitive closure massively simplifies the resolver, as it means we never have to re-evaulate the implies relationships when unioning CriteriaSets, making potentially O(n3) operations into constant time ones, where n is the number of criteria (the criteria graph can have O(n2) criteria, and a criteria set can have O(n) criteria, and we might have to look at every edge of the graph for every criteria whenever we add one).

The existence of the transitive closure is however not a fundamental truth. It exists because we have artifically limited what import maps and implies is allowed to do. In particular, if you ever allowed an implies relationship that requires two different criteria to imply another, the transitive closure would not be a useful concept, and we'd be forced to re-check every implies rule whenever a criteria got added to a criteria set (which is happening constantly in the resolver).

See this issue for a detailed example demonstrating this problem.

Step 2: Determine the required criteria for each package

In general, every package requires that all dependencies satisfy the same criteria which were required for the original package. This is handled by starting at the root crates, and propagating the required CriteriaSet outwards towards the leaves. In some cases, the policy table will specify alternative criteria to place as a requirement on dependencies, which will be used instead of normal propagation.

In order to avoid the cyclic nature of dev-deps, these targets are handled first. As all dependencies of dev-dependencies are normal dependencies, we can rely on the normal non-cyclic requirement propagation after the first edge, so we only need to apply the requirements one-level deep in this first phase. By default, this requirement is safe-to-run, though it cna be customized through the policy.

Afterwards, we start at the root crate in the graph and work outwards, checking if we need to apply policy requirements, and then propagating requirements to dependencies. This results in every crate having a corresponding CritseriaSet of the criteria required for the audit.

Step 3a: The AuditGraph

The AuditGraph is the graph of all audits for a particular package name. The nodes of the graph are Versions and the edges are delta audits (e.g. 0.1.0 -> 0.2.0). Each edge has a list of criteria it claims to certify, and dependency criteria that the dependencies of this package must satisfy for the edge to be considered "valid" (see the next section for details).

There is an implicit Root Version which represents an empty package, meaning that throughout much of the audit graph, versions are represented as Option<Version>.

When trying to validate whether a particular version of a package is audited, we also add a Target Version to the graph (if it doesn't exist already).

Full audits are desugarred to delta audits from the Root Version (so an audit for 0.2.0 would be lowered to a delta audit from Root -> 0.2.0).

Exemptions are desugared to full audits (and therefore deltas) with a special DeltaEdgeOrigin indicating their origin. This is used to deprioritize the edges so that we can more easily detect exemptions that aren't needed anymore.

Imported audits are lowered in the exact same way as local criteria, but with special DeltaEdgeOrigin to indicate their origin, to allow us to deprioritize imported audits, and determine exactly which audits are needed.

A special DeltaEdgeOrigin is also used for imported wildcard criteria, indicating both which wildcard audit is responsible, as well as which publisher information is being used.

With all of this established. the problem of determining whether a package is audited for a given criteria can be reduced to determining if there exists a path from the Root Version to the Target Version along edges that certify that criteria. Suggesting an audit similarly becomes finding the "best" edge to add to make the Root and Target connected for the desired criteria.

Checking Violations

During AuditGraph construction violations are also checked. Violations have a VersionReq and a list of violated criteria. They claim that, for all versions covered by the VersionReq, you believe that the listed criteria are explicitly violated. An error is produced if any edge is added to the AuditGraph where either endpoint matches the VersionReq and any criteria it claims to be an audit for is listed by the violation.

This is an extremely complicated statement to parse, so let's look at some examples:

violation: safe-to-deploy, audit: safe-to-deploy -- ERROR! violation: safe-to-deploy, audit: safe-to-run -- OK! violation: safe-to-run, audit: safe-to-deploy -- ERROR! violation: [a, b], audit: [a, c] -- ERROR!

One very notable implication of this is that a violation for ["safe-to-run", "safe-to-deploy"] is actually equivalent to ["safe-to-run"], not ["safe-to-deploy"]! This means that the normal way of handling things, turning the violation's criteria into one CriteriaSet and checking if audit.contains(violation) is incorrect!

We must instead do this check for each individual item in the violation:

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { let has_violation = violation.iter().any(|item| audit.contains(item)); }

It may seem a bit strange to produce an error if any audit is in any way contradicted by any violation. Is that necessary? Is that sufficient?

It's definitely sufficient: it's impossible to validate a version without having an audit edge with an end-point in that version.

I would argue that it's also necessary: the existence of any audit (or exemption) that is directly contradicted by a violation is essentially an integrity error on the claims that we are working with. Even if you don't even use the audit for anything anymore, people who are peering with you and importing your audits might be, so you should do something about those audits as soon as you find out they might be wrong!

There is currently no mechanism for mechanically dealing with such an integrity error, even if the audit or violation comes from a foreign import. Such a situation is serious enough that it merits direct discussion between humans. That said, if this becomes enough of a problem we may eventually add such a feature.

Step 3b: Searching for paths in the AuditGraph

A lot of the heavy lifting for this task is in Step 3a (AuditGraph).

Trying to validate all criteria at once is slightly brain-melty (because different criteria may be validated by different paths), so as a simplifying step we validate each criteria individually (so everything I'm about to describe happens in a for loop).

If all we care about is finding out if a package has some criteria, then all we need to do is run depth-first-search (DFS) from the Root Node and see if it reaches the Target Node, with the constraint that we'll only follow edges that are valid (based on the already validated criteria of our dependencies).

If it does, we've validated the criteria for the Target Version. If it doesn't, then we haven't.

But things are much more complicated because we want to provide more feedback about the state of the audits:

  • Did this validation require an exemption? (Is it fully audited?)
  • Did this validation even use any audits? (Is it at least partially audited?)
  • Did this validation need any new imports? (Should we update imports.lock?)
  • What nodes were reachable from the Root and reverse-reachable from the Target? (candidates for suggest)

This is accomplished by running the search off of a priority queue, rather than using a stack, such that we only try to use the "best" edges first, and can be certain that we don't try to use a "worse" edge until we've tried all of the paths using better edges.

The best edge of all is a local audit. If we can find a path using only those edges, then we're fully audited, we don't need any exemptions we might have for this package (a lot of caveats to this, so we don't really make that conclusion reliably), and the imports.lock doesn't need to be updated.

If we need to add back in exemptions to find a path, then the exemptions were necessary to validate this criteria.

If we need to add back in new imports to find a path, then we need to update imports.lock to cache necessary audits for --locked executions. (The fact that this comes after exemptions means we may be slightly imprecise about whether something is "fully audited" when updating imports, as subsequent runs won't get this far. We think this is worth the upside of minimizing imports.lock updates.)

If any of those succeed, then we return Ok(..), communicating both that the package validates this criteria, plus any caveats back to the caller.

Otherwise, we'll return Err(..), and consider the current node to blame. If this criteria is required, this package will require additional audits or exemptions to successfully vet.

In doing this, we also compute the nodes that are reachable from the Root Version and the nodes that are reverse-reachable from the Target Version. The latter is computed by following all edges backwards, which is to say in Step 3a the AuditGraph also contains another directed graph with the edges all reversed, and rerun the algorithm with Root and Target reversed.

This information is useful because in the Err case we want to suggest a diff to audit, and any diff from the Root Reachable nodes to the Target Reachable nodes is sufficient.

All search results are stored in the ResolveResult for a node along with validated criteria and other fun facts we found along the way. The contents of the ResolveResult will be used by our reverse-dependencies in steps 2 and 3.

It's worth noting here that delta audits can "go backwards" (i.e. 1.0.1 -> 1.0.0), and all of this code handles that perfectly fine without any special cases. It does make it possible for there to be cycles in the AuditGraph, but DFS doesn't care about cycles at all since you keep track of nodes you've visited to avoid revisits (slightly complicated by us iteratively introducing edges).

Step 4: Checking if each crate validates for the required criteria

This step is a fairly trivial combination of the results from Step 2 (computing requirements) and Step 3 (resolving validated criteria) - for each package, we check if the validated criteria is a superset of the requirements, and if it is then we're successful, otherwise we're not.

We'll record which criteria failed so we can suggest better audits in the errored case, and combine the caveats from successful runs in the success case to get a combined result for each crate, rather than for each individual criteria.

Step 5: Suggesting Audits (Death By A Thousand Diffs)

This step takes the failed packages from Step 4 and recommends audits that will fix them. In Step 3b we compute the Root Reachable Nodes and the Target Reachable Nodes for a disconnected package. In this phase we use those as candidates and try to find the best possible diff audit.

More specifically, we use the intersection of all the Root Reachable Nodes for every criteria this package failed (ditto for Target Reachable). By using the intersection, any diff we recommend from one set to the other is guaranteed to cover all required criteria, allowing us to suggest a single diff to fix everything. Since the Root and Target are always in their respective sets, we are guaranteed that the intersections are non-empty.

So how do we pick the best diff? Well, we straight up download every version of the package that we have audits for and diff-stat all the combinations. Smallest diff wins! Does that sound horrible and slow? It is! That's why we have a secret global diff-stat cache on your system.

Also we don't literally diff every combination. We turn the O(n2) diffs into only O(n) diffs with a simple heuristic: for each Target Reachable Node, we find the package closest version smaller than that version and the closest version bigger than that version. We then diff that version against only those two versions. This may potentially miss some magical diff where a big change is made and then reverted, but this diffing stuff needs some amount of taming!

It's worth noting that Versions don't form a proper metric space: We cannot compute the "distance" between two Versions in the abstract, and then compare that to the "distance" between two other versions. Versions do however have a total ordering, so we can compute minimum and maximum versions, and say whether a version is bigger or smaller than another. As a result it's possible to compute "the largest version that's smaller than X" and "the smallest version that's larger than X", which is what we use. There is however no way to say whether the smaller-maximum or the bigger-minimum is closer to X, so we must try both.

It's also worth reiterating here that diffs can go backwards. If you're on 1.0.0 and have an audit for 1.0.1, we will happily recommend the reverse-diff from 1.0.1 -> 1.0.0. This is slightly brain melty at first but nothing really needs to specially handle this, it Just Works.

Any diff we recommend from the Root Version is "resugared" into recommending a full audit, (and is also computed by diffing against an empty directory). It is impossible to recommend a diff to the Root Version, because there cannot be audits of the Root Version.