Wildcard Audit Entries

Wildcard audits are a special type of audit intended as a convenience mechanism for organizations that self-certify their own crates. Using this feature, an organization can publish an audit which applies to all versions published by a given account, avoiding the need to add a new entry to audits.toml for each new version of the package.

Wildcard audits live at the top of audits.toml and look like this:

[[wildcard-audits.foo]] who = ... criteria = ... user-id = ... start = ... end = ... renew = ... notes = ...

Whereas a regular audit certifies that the individual has verified that the crate contents meet the criteria, a wildcard audit certifies that any version of the crate published by the given account will meet the criteria. In effect, the author is vouching for the integrity of the entire release process, i.e. that releases are always cut from a branch for which every change has been approved by a trusted individual who will enforce the criteria.

Wildcard audits can be added with cargo vet certify using the --wildcard option. By default, this sets the end date to one year in the future. Once added (whether manually or by cargo vet certify --wildcard), the end date can be updated to one year in the future using the cargo vet renew CRATE command. cargo vet renew --expiring can be used to automatically update all audits which would expire in the next six weeks or have already expired, and don't have renew = false specified.


Specifies the crates.io user-id of the user who's published versions should be audited. This ID is unfortunately not exposed on the crates.io website, but will be filled based on username if using the cargo vet certify --wildcard $USER command. This field is required.


Earliest day of publication which should be considered certified by the wildcard audit. Crates published by the user before this date will not be considered as certified. This field is required.

Note that publication dates use UTC rather than local time.


Latest day of publication which should be considered certified by the wildcard audit. Crates published by the user after this date will not be considered as certified. This date may be at most 1 year in the future. This field is required.

Note that publication dates use UTC rather than local time.


Specifies whether cargo vet check should suggest renewal for this audit if the end date is going to expire within the next six weeks (or has already expired), and whether cargo vet renew --expiring should renew this audit.


Specifies the relevant criteria for this wildcard audit. This field is required.


A string identifying the auditor. When invoking cargo vet certify, the value is auto-populated from the git config.

See the documentation for Audit Entries for more details.

Note that while the who user may be different than crates.io user specified by user-id, they should generally either be the same person, or have a close relationship (e.g. a team lead certifying a shared publishing account).


An optional free-form string containing any information the auditor may wish to record.