
data class Geoname(var geonameId: Long, var name: String, var latitude: Double, var longitude: Double, var countryCode: String, var admin1Code: String, var population: ULong)

A single geographic place.

This corresponds to a single row in the main "geoname" table described in the GeoNames documentation 1. We exclude fields we don't need.


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constructor(geonameId: Long, name: String, latitude: Double, longitude: Double, countryCode: String, admin1Code: String, population: ULong)


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object Companion


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The top-level administrative region for the place within its country, like a state or province. For the U.S., the two-letter uppercase state abbreviation.

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ISO-3166 two-letter uppercase country code, e.g., "US".

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The geonameid straight from the geoname table.

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Latitude in decimal degrees.

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Longitude in decimal degrees.

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This is pretty much the place's canonical name. Usually there will be a row in the alternates table with the same name, but not always. When there is such a row, it doesn't always have is_preferred_name set, and in fact fact there may be another row with a different name with is_preferred_name set.

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Population size.