Package-level declarations


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interface Disposable
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data class FtsMatchInfo(var prefix: Boolean, var stemming: Boolean)

Additional data about how an FTS match was made

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data class Geoname(var geonameId: Long, var name: String, var latitude: Double, var longitude: Double, var countryCode: String, var admin1Code: String, var population: ULong)

A single geographic place.

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data class GeonameMatch(var geoname: Geoname, var matchType: GeonameMatchType, var prefix: Boolean)

A fetched geoname with info on how it was matched.

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The type of a geoname.

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What should be interrupted when SuggestStore::interrupt is called?

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data class LabeledTimingSample(var label: String, var value: ULong)

Single sample for a Glean labeled_timing_distribution

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data class QueryWithMetricsResult(var suggestions: List<Suggestion>, var queryTimes: List<LabeledTimingSample>)
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The error type for all Suggest component operations. These errors are exposed to your application, which should handle them as needed.

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data class SuggestGlobalConfig(var showLessFrequentlyCap: Int)

Global Suggest configuration data.

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data class SuggestIngestionConstraints(var providers: List<SuggestionProvider>? = null, var providerConstraints: SuggestionProviderConstraints? = null, var emptyOnly: Boolean = false)

Constraints limit which suggestions to ingest from Remote Settings.

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data class SuggestIngestionMetrics(var ingestionTimes: List<LabeledTimingSample>, var downloadTimes: List<LabeledTimingSample>)

Ingestion metrics

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sealed class Suggestion

A suggestion from the database to show in the address bar.

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A provider is a source of search suggestions.

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data class SuggestionProviderConstraints(var exposureSuggestionTypes: List<String>? = null, var ampAlternativeMatching: AmpMatchingStrategy? = null)

Some providers manage multiple suggestion subtypes. Queries, ingests, and other operations on those providers must be constrained to a desired subtype.

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data class SuggestionQuery(var keyword: String, var providers: List<SuggestionProvider>, var providerConstraints: SuggestionProviderConstraints? = null, var limit: Int? = null)

A query for suggestions to show in the address bar.

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Per-provider configuration data.

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The store is the entry point to the Suggest component. It incrementally downloads suggestions from the Remote Settings service, stores them in a local database, and returns them in response to user queries.

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The store is the entry point to the Suggest component. It incrementally downloads suggestions from the Remote Settings service, stores them in a local database, and returns them in response to user queries.


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fun rawSuggestionUrlMatches(rawUrl: String, cookedUrl: String): Boolean

Determines whether a "raw" sponsored suggestion URL is equivalent to a "cooked" URL. The two URLs are equivalent if they are identical except for their replaced template parameters, which can be different.