
data class SyncParams(var reason: SyncReason, var engines: SyncEngineSelection, var enabledChanges: Map<String, Boolean>, var localEncryptionKeys: Map<String, String>, var authInfo: SyncAuthInfo, var persistedState: String?, var deviceSettings: DeviceSettings)


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constructor(reason: SyncReason, engines: SyncEngineSelection, enabledChanges: Map<String, Boolean>, localEncryptionKeys: Map<String, String>, authInfo: SyncAuthInfo, persistedState: String?, deviceSettings: DeviceSettings)


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object Companion


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Authorization for the sync server

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Information about the current device, such as its name, formfactor and FxA device ID.

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Which engines should be enabled in the "account global" list (for example, if the UI was used to change an engine's state since the last sync).

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Which engines should we sync?

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Keys to encrypt/decrypt data from local database files. These are separate from the key we use to encrypt the sync payload as a whole.

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An opaque string, as returned in the previous sync's SyncResult and persisted to disk, or null if no such state is available. This includes information such as the list of engines previously enabled, certain server timestamps and GUIDs etc. If this value isn't correctly persisted and round-tripped, each sync may look like a "first sync".

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Why are we performing this sync?