Debugging Sql

It can be quite tricky to debug what is going on with sql statement, especially once the sql gets complicated or many triggers are involved.

The sql_support create provides some utilities to help. Note that these utilities are gated behind a debug-tools feature. The module provides docstrings, so you should read them before you start.

This document describes how to use these capabilities and we'll use places as an example.

First, we must enable the feature:

--- a/components/places/Cargo.toml
+++ b/components/places/Cargo.toml
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ lazy_static = "1.4"
 url = { version = "2.1", features = ["serde"] }
 percent-encoding = "2.1"
 caseless = "0.2"
-sql-support = { path = "../support/sql" }
+sql-support = { path = "../support/sql", features=["debug-tools"] }

and we probably need to make the debug functions available:

--- a/components/places/src/db/
+++ b/components/places/src/db/
@@ -108,6 +108,7 @@ impl ConnectionInitializer for PlacesInitializer {
         define_functions(conn, self.api_id)?;
+        sql_support::debug_tools::define_debug_functions(conn)?;

We now have a Rust function print_query() and a SQL function dbg() available.

Let's say we were trying to debug a test such as test_bookmark_tombstone_auto_created. We might want to print the entire contents of a table, then instrument a query to check what the value of a query is. We might end up with a patch something like:

index 28f19307..225dccbb 100644
--- a/components/places/src/db/
+++ b/components/places/src/db/
@@ -666,7 +666,8 @@ mod tests {
         .expect("should insert regular bookmark folder");
-        conn.execute("DELETE FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE guid = 'bookmarkguid'", [])
+        sql_support::debug_tools::print_query(&conn, "select * from moz_bookmarks").unwrap();
+        conn.execute("DELETE FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE dbg('CHECKING GUID', guid) = 'bookmarkguid'", [])
             .expect("should delete");
         // should have a tombstone.

There are 2 things of note:

  • We used the print_query function to dump the entire moz_bookmarks table before executing the query.
  • We instrumented the query to print the guid every time sqlite reads a row and compares it against a literal.

The output of this test now looks something like:

running 1 test
query: select * from moz_bookmarks
| id | fk   | type | parent | position | title   | dateAdded     | lastModified  | guid         | syncStatus | syncChangeCounter |
| 1  | null | 2    | null   | 0        | root    | 1686248350470 | 1686248350470 | root________ | 1          | 1                 |
| 2  | null | 2    | 1      | 0        | menu    | 1686248350470 | 1686248350470 | menu________ | 1          | 1                 |
| 3  | null | 2    | 1      | 1        | toolbar | 1686248350470 | 1686248350470 | toolbar_____ | 1          | 1                 |
| 4  | null | 2    | 1      | 2        | unfiled | 1686248350470 | 1686248350470 | unfiled_____ | 1          | 1                 |
| 5  | null | 2    | 1      | 3        | mobile  | 1686248350470 | 1686248350470 | mobile______ | 1          | 1                 |
| 6  | null | 3    | 1      | 0        | null    | 1             | 1             | bookmarkguid | 2          | 1                 |
test db::schema::tests::test_bookmark_tombstone_auto_created ... FAILED


---- db::schema::tests::test_bookmark_tombstone_auto_created stdout ----
CHECKING GUID root________
CHECKING GUID menu________
CHECKING GUID toolbar_____
CHECKING GUID unfiled_____
CHECKING GUID mobile______
CHECKING GUID bookmarkguid

It's unfortunate that the output of print_table() goes to the tty while the output of dbg goes to stderr, so you might find the output isn't quite intermingled as you would expect, but it's better than nothing!