How to locally test Swift Package Manager components on Firefox iOS

This is a guide on testing the Swift Package Manager component locally against a local build of Firefox iOS. For more information on our Swift Package Manager design, read the ADR that introduced it

This guide assumes the component you want to test is already distributed with the rust-components-swift repository, you can read the guide for adding a new component if you would like to distribute a new component.

The goal for this document is to be able to build a local firefox iOS against a local application-services. On a high level, that requires the following:

  1. Build an xcframework in a local checkout of application-services
  2. Include the xcframework in a local checkout of rust-components-swift
  3. Run the generate script in rust-components-swift using a local checkout of application-services
  4. Include the local checkout of rust-components-swift in firefox-ios


  1. A local checkout of firefox-ios that is ready to build
  2. A local checkout of rust-components-swift
  3. A local checkout of application-services that is ready to build for iOS

Using the automated flow

For convenience, there is a script that will do all the necessary steps to configure your local firefox-ios build with a local application-services repository. You do not need to do the manual steps if you follow those steps.

  1. Run the following to execute the script, the example below assumes all of firefox-ios, rust-components-swift and application-services are in the same directory. Adjust the paths according to where they are on your filesystem.

    $ cd firefox-ios # This is your local checkout of firefox-ios
    $ ./ -a ../application-services ../rust-components-swift
  2. Using Xcode, open Client.xcodeproj in firefox-ios

  3. Then, make sure to reset packages cache in Xcode. This forces Xcode to remove any previously cached versions of the Rust components.

    • You can reset package caches by going to File -> Packages -> Reset Package Caches
  4. If this is not the first time you run the script, make sure to also update package versions. This forces Xcode to pull the latest changes in the rust-components-swift branch.

    • You can update package versions by going to File -> Packages -> Update To Latest Package Versions
    • If this step fails, it's possible that the Reset Package Caches step above left some cruft behind. You can force this step by manually removing ~/Library/Caches/org.swift.swiftpm and ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Client-{some-long-string}
  5. Once the above steps are done, attempt building firefox ios. If you face problems, feel free to contact us

Disabling local development

The easiest way to disable local development is to simply revert any changes to firefox-ios/Client.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj.

However, if there are other changes to the file that you would like to preserve, you can use the same script. To use the same script, you will need to:

  1. Know what version of rust-components-swift was used beforehand. You can find this by checking the git diff on firefox-ios/Client.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj.
  2. Run:
    $ ./ --disable <VERSION> ../rust-components-swift
  3. Then, make sure to reset packages cache in Xcode. This forces Xcode to remove any previously cached versions of the Rust components.
    • You can reset package caches by going to File -> Packages -> Reset Package Caches

If you happen to change branches in rust-components-swift, you will need to disable then re-enable local development. The script is not currently smart enough to switch branches. Alternatively, keep the branch in rust-components-swift the same. rust-components-swift serves only as a release surface so there is little use to switching branches and pushing changes to it, unless you are changing something related to the release process.

Using the manual flow

It's important to note the automated flow runs through all the necessary steps in a script, so if possible use the script as it's a tedious manual process

However, if the script is failing or you would like to run the manual process for any other reason follow the following steps.

Building the xcframework

To build the xcframework do the following:

  1. In your local checkout of application-services, navigate to megazords/ios-rust/
  2. Run the script:
$ ./

This will produce a file name that contains the following, built for all our target iOS platforms.

  • The compiled Rust code for all the crates listed in Cargo.toml as a static library
  • The C header files and Swift module maps for the components

Include the xcframework in a local checkout of rust-components-swift

After you generated the in the previous step, do the following to include it in a local checkout of rust-components-swift. The file will be in the megazords/ios-rust directory.

  1. Unzip the into the rust-components-swift repository: (Assuming you are in the root of the rust-components-swift directory and application-services is a neighbor directory)
     unzip -o ../application-services/megazords/ios-rust/ -d .
  2. Change the Package.swift's reference to the xcframework to point to the unzipped MozillaRustComponents.xcframework that was created in the previous step. You can do this by uncommenting the following line:
        path: "./MozillaRustComponents.xcframework"
    and commenting out the following lines:
        url: url,
        checksum: checksum,

Run the generation script with a local checkout of application services

For this step, run the following script from inside the rust-components-swift repository (assuming that application-services is a neighboring directory to rust-components-swift).

./ ../application-services

Once that is done, stage and commit the changes the script ran. Xcode can only pick up committed changes.

Include the local checkout of rust-components-swift in firefox-ios

This is the final step to include your local changes into firefox-ios. Do the following steps:

  1. Open Client.xcodeproj in Xcode

  2. Navigate to the Swift Packages in Xcode: Screenshot of where to find the setting for Client

  3. Remove the dependency on rust-components-swift as listed on Xcode, you can click the dependency then click the -

  4. Add a new swift package by clicking the +:

    1. On the top right, enter the full path to your rust-components-swift checkout, preceded by file://. If you don't know what that is, run pwd in while in rust-components-swift. For example: file:///Users/tarikeshaq/code/rust-components-swift
    2. Change the branch to be the checked-out branch of rust-component-swift you have locally. This is what the dialog should look like: Dialog for including the rust-components-swift package

    Note: If Xcode prevents you from adding the dependency to reference a local package, you will need to manually modify the Client.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj and replace every occurrence of with the full path to your local checkout.

    1. Click Add Package
    2. Now include the packages you would like to include, choose MozillaAppServices
  5. Finally, attempt to build firefox-ios, and if all goes well it should launch with your code. If you face problems, feel free to contact us