Vendoring Application Services into mozilla-central
Some of these components are used in mozilla-central. This document describes how to update existing components or add new components.
The general process for vendoring rust code into mozilla-central has its own documentation - please make sure you read that before continuing.
When to vendor
We want to keep our versions in moz-central relatively up-to-date, but it takes some manual effort to do. The main possibility of breakage is from a dependency mismatch, so our current vendoring policy is:
- Whenever a 3rd-party dependency is added or updated, the dev who made the change is responsible for vendoring.
- At the start of the release cycle the triage owner is response for vendoring.
Updating existing components.
To update components which are already in mozilla-central, follow these steps:
Ensure your mozilla-central build environment is setup correctly to make "non-artifact" builds - check you can get a full working build before starting this process.
./tools/ [path-to-moz-central]
from the application-services root directory. -
If this generates errors regarding duplicate crates, you will enter a world of pain, and probably need to ask for advice from the application-services team, and/or the
channel on matrix. -
./mach cargo vet
to check if there any any new dependencies that need to be vetted. If there are ask for advice from the application-services team. -
Build and test your tree. Ideally make a try run.
Put your patch up to phabricator, requesting review from, at least, someone on the application-services team and one of the "build peers" - asking on
on matrix for a suitable reviewer might help. Alternatively, try and find the bug which made the most recent update and ask the same reviewer in that patch. -
Adding a new component
Follow the Uniffi documentation on mozilla-central to understand where you'll need to add your crate path and UDL. In general:
- The consuming component will specify the dependency as a nominal "version 0.1"
- The top-level
will override that dependency with a specific git revision.
For example, consider the webext-storage crate:
- The consuming crate specifies version 0.1
- The top-level Cargo.toml specifies the exact revision.
Adding a new component implies there will be related mozilla-central changes
which leverage it. The best practice here is to land both the vendoring of the
new component and the related mozilla-central
changes in the same bug, but in
different phabricator patches. As noted above, the best-practice is that all
application-services components are on the same revision, so adding a new
component implies you will generally also be updating all the existing
For an example of a recently added component, the tabs was recently added to mozilla-central with uniffi and shows a general process to follow.
Vendoring an unreleased version for testing purposes
Sometimes you will need to make changes in application-services and in mozilla-central simultaneously - for example, you may need to add new features or capabilities to a component, and matching changes in mozilla-central to use that new feature.
In that scenario, you don't want to check your changes in and re-vendor as you iterate - it would be far better to use a local checkout of application-services with uncommitted changes with your mozilla-central tree which also has uncommitted changes.
To do this, you can edit the top-level Cargo.toml
to specify a path. Note
however that in this scenario, you need to specify the path to the
individual component rather than to the top-level of the repo.
For example, you might end up with something like:
# application-services overrides to make updating them all simpler.
interrupt-support = { path = "../application-services/components/support/interrupt" }
relevancy = { path = "../application-services/components/relevancy" }
search = { path = "../application-services/components/search" }
suggest = { path = "../application-services/components/suggest" }
sql-support = { path = "../application-services/components/support/sql" }
sync15 = { path = "../application-services/components/sync15" }
tabs = { path = "../application-services/components/tabs" }
viaduct = { path = "../application-services/components/viaduct" }
webext-storage = { path = "../application-services/components/webext-storage" }
Note that when you first do this, it will still be necessary to run
./mach vendor rust
and to re-build.
After you make a change to the local repository, you do not need to run
./mach vendor rust
, but you do still obviously need to rebuild.
Once you are happy with all the changes, you would:
- Open a PR up in application-services and land your changes there.
- Follow the process above to re-vendor your new changes, and in that same bug (although not necessarily the same phabricator patch), include the other mozilla-central changes which rely on the new version.