
The API for the SuggestStore can be found in the MozillaComponents Swift documentation.

Make sure you initialize viaduct for this component.

The SuggestStore is a synchronous, which needs to be wrapped in the asynchronous primitive of the target language you are using it in.

Setting up the store

You need to import one or more of the following primitives to work with the SuggestStore (these come from the generated suggest.swift file, produced by uniffi):

import class MozillaAppServices.SuggestStore
import class MozillaAppServices.SuggestStoreBuilder
import class MozillaAppServices.Viaduct
import enum MozillaAppServices.SuggestionProvider
import enum MozillaAppServices.RemoteSettingsServer
import struct MozillaAppServices.SuggestIngestionConstraints
import struct MozillaAppServices.SuggestionQuery

On start up of your application, you create a SuggestStore (as a singleton). You do this via the SuggestStoreBuilder, which returns a SuggestStore:

let store: SuggestStore

var builder = SuggestStoreBuilder()
    .dataPath(path: dataPath)

if let remoteSettingsServer {
    builder = builder.remoteSettingsServer(server: remoteSettingsServer)

store = try
  • You need to set the dataPath, which is the path (the SQLite location) where you store your suggestions.
  • The remoteSettingsServer is only needed if you want to set the server to anything else but prod. If so, you pass a RemoteSettingsServer object.

Ingesting suggestions

Ingesting suggestions happens in two different ways: On startup, and then, periodically, in the background.

  • SuggestIngestionConstraints is used to control what gets ingested.
  • Use the providers field to limit ingestion by provider type.
  • Use the providerConstraints field to add additional constraints, currently this is only used for exposure suggestions.

On Start Up

Ingest with SuggestIngestionConstraints::empty_only=true shortly after each startup. This ensures we have something in the DB on the first run and also after upgrades where we often will clear the DB to start from scratch.


Ingest with SuggestIngestionConstraints::empty_only=false on regular schedule (like once a day).


try SuggestIngestionConstraints(
    emptyOnly: false,
    providers: [SuggestionProvider.AMP_MOBILE, SuggestionProvider.WIKIPEDIA, SuggestionProvider.WEATHER]

Querying Suggestions

Call SuggestStore::query to fetch suggestions for the suggest bar. The providers parameter should be the same value that got passed to ingest().

try SuggestionQuery(
    keyword: keyword,
    providers: [SuggestionProvider.AMP_MOBILE, SuggestionProvider.WIKIPEDIA, SuggestionProvider.WEATHER],
    limit: limit

Interrupt querying

Call SuggestStore::Interrupt with InterruptKind::Read to interrupt any in-progress queries when the user cancels a query and before running the next query.

store.interrupt(kind: .readWrite)

Shutdown the store

On shutdown, call SuggestStore::Interrupt with InterruptKind::ReadWrite to interrupt any in-progress ingestion and queries.