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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
use clap::{Parser, Subcommand};
use example_component::{ApiResult, ExampleComponent, TodoItem};
// Writing a CLI means using the `clap` library to define your CLI commands.
// The [clap documentation](https://docs.rs/clap/latest/clap/) is decent for this.
// Also, the other app-services CLI code can provide good examples
// Top-level clap CLI. Each field corresponds to a CLI argument
#[derive(Debug, Parser)]
#[command(about, long_about = None)]
struct Cli {
/// Enable verbose logging
// Notes:
// * Docstrings show up in the CLI help
// * `short` means that this is associated with `-v`
// * `long` means that this is associated with `--verbose`
// * `action` means that this flag will set the boolean to `true`.
#[arg(short, long, action)]
verbose: bool,
// Subcommands can be used to create git-like CLIs where the argument begins a new subcommand
// and each subcommand can have different args
command: Commands,
#[derive(Debug, Subcommand)]
enum Commands {
/// Manage todo lists
Lists {
// Yes, sub-sub-commands are possible
lists_command: Option<ListsCommands>,
/// Manage todo items
Items {
/// List to use
list: String,
items_command: Option<ItemsCommands>,
#[derive(Debug, Subcommand)]
enum ListsCommands {
/// List lists
/// Create a new list
Create {
// Name is a position argument, since it doesn't have the `#[arg]` attribute.
name: String,
/// delete a list
Delete { name: String },
#[derive(Debug, Subcommand)]
enum ItemsCommands {
/// List todos
/// Create a new todo
Add {
// Name for the item
name: String,
#[arg(short, long)]
github_issue: Option<String>,
/// Update a todo
Update {
// Name of the item to update
name: String,
#[arg(short, long)]
description: Option<String>,
#[arg(short, long)]
url: Option<String>,
#[arg(short, long, action)]
toggle: bool,
/// Delete a todo
Delete {
// Name of the item to update
name: String,
fn main() -> ApiResult<()> {
let cli = Cli::parse();
// Applications must initialize viaduct for the HTTP client to work.
// This example uses the `reqwest` backend because it's easy to setup.
let component = build_example_component()?;
match cli.command {
Commands::Lists {
lists_command: command,
} => {
let command = command.unwrap_or(ListsCommands::List);
handle_lists(component, command)
Commands::Items {
items_command: command,
} => {
let command = command.unwrap_or(ItemsCommands::List);
handle_todos(component, list, command)
fn init_logging(cli: &Cli) {
// The env_logger crate is a simple way to setup logging.
// This will enable trace-level logging if `-v` is present and `info-level` otherwise.
let log_filter = if cli.verbose {
} else {
env_logger::init_from_env(env_logger::Env::default().filter_or("RUST_LOG", log_filter));
fn build_example_component() -> ApiResult<ExampleComponent> {
// Use `cli_support` to get paths to store stuff in. These will always be relative to
// `[WORKSPACE_ROOT]/.cli-data`
let db_path = cli_support::cli_data_path("example-component.db");
fn handle_lists(component: ExampleComponent, subcommand: ListsCommands) -> ApiResult<()> {
match subcommand {
ListsCommands::List => {
let lists = component.get_lists()?;
if lists.is_empty() {
println!("No lists created");
} else {
for list in lists {
println!("{}", list);
ListsCommands::Create { name } => {
println!("Created list: {name}");
ListsCommands::Delete { name } => {
println!("Deleted list: {name}");
fn handle_todos(
component: ExampleComponent,
list: String,
subcommand: ItemsCommands,
) -> ApiResult<()> {
match subcommand {
ItemsCommands::List => {
let items = component.get_list_items(&list)?;
if items.is_empty() {
println!("No items created");
} else {
println!("{:-^79}", format!(" {list} "));
"{:<9} {:<29} {:<29} {:>9}",
"name", "description", "url", "completed"
for saved in items {
"{:<9} {:<29} {:<29} {:>9}",
clamp_string(&saved.item.name, 9),
clamp_string(&saved.item.description, 29),
clamp_string(&saved.item.url, 29),
if saved.item.completed { "X" } else { "" },
ItemsCommands::Add { name, github_issue } => {
match github_issue {
None => {
TodoItem {
name: name.clone(),
println!("Created item: {name}");
Some(github_issue) => {
component.add_item_from_gh_issue(&list, &name, &github_issue)?;
println!("Created item: {name} (from GH-{github_issue})");
ItemsCommands::Update {
} => {
let mut saved = component.get_list_item(&list, &name)?;
if let Some(description) = description {
saved.item.description = description;
if let Some(url) = url {
saved.item.url = url;
if toggle {
saved.item.completed = !saved.item.completed;
println!("Updated item: {name}");
ItemsCommands::Delete { name } => {
let saved = component.get_list_item(&list, &name)?;
println!("Deleted item: {name}");
fn clamp_string(val: &str, max_width: usize) -> String {
if val.len() > max_width {
format!("{}...", &val[0..max_width - 3])
} else {