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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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use std::{
sync::{Arc, Weak},
use camino::Utf8PathBuf;
use parking_lot::Mutex;
use url::Url;
use crate::{
storage::Storage, RemoteSettingsClient, RemoteSettingsConfig2, RemoteSettingsContext,
RemoteSettingsServer, Result,
/// Internal Remote settings service API
pub struct RemoteSettingsService {
inner: Mutex<RemoteSettingsServiceInner>,
struct RemoteSettingsServiceInner {
storage_dir: Utf8PathBuf,
base_url: Url,
bucket_name: String,
app_context: Option<RemoteSettingsContext>,
/// Weakrefs for all clients that we've created. Note: this stores the
/// top-level/public `RemoteSettingsClient` structs rather than `client::RemoteSettingsClient`.
/// The reason for this is that we return Arcs to the public struct to the foreign code, so we
/// need to use the same type for our weakrefs. The alternative would be to create 2 Arcs for
/// each client, which is wasteful.
clients: Vec<Weak<RemoteSettingsClient>>,
impl RemoteSettingsService {
/// Construct a [RemoteSettingsService]
/// This is typically done early in the application-startup process
pub fn new(storage_dir: String, config: RemoteSettingsConfig2) -> Result<Self> {
let storage_dir = storage_dir.into();
let base_url = config
let bucket_name = config.bucket_name.unwrap_or_else(|| String::from("main"));
Ok(Self {
inner: Mutex::new(RemoteSettingsServiceInner {
app_context: config.app_context,
clients: vec![],
pub fn make_client(&self, collection_name: String) -> Result<Arc<RemoteSettingsClient>> {
let mut inner = self.inner.lock();
// Allow using in-memory databases for testing of external crates.
let storage = if inner.storage_dir == ":memory:" {
} else {
let client = Arc::new(RemoteSettingsClient::new(
/// Sync collections for all active clients
pub fn sync(&self) -> Result<Vec<String>> {
// Make sure we only sync each collection once, even if there are multiple clients
let mut synced_collections = HashSet::new();
// TODO: poll the server using `/buckets/monitor/collections/changes/changeset` to fetch
// the current timestamp for all collections. That way we can avoid fetching collections
// we know haven't changed and also pass the `?_expected{ts}` param to the server.
for client in self.inner.lock().active_clients() {
if synced_collections.insert(client.collection_name()) {
/// Update the remote settings config
/// This will cause all current and future clients to use new config and will delete any stored
/// records causing the clients to return new results from the new config.
pub fn update_config(&self, config: RemoteSettingsConfig2) -> Result<()> {
let base_url = config
let bucket_name = config.bucket_name.unwrap_or_else(|| String::from("main"));
let mut inner = self.inner.lock();
for client in inner.active_clients() {
.update_config(base_url.clone(), bucket_name.clone())?;
inner.base_url = base_url;
inner.bucket_name = bucket_name;
impl RemoteSettingsServiceInner {
// Find live clients in self.clients
// Also, drop dead weakrefs from the vec
fn active_clients(&mut self) -> Vec<Arc<RemoteSettingsClient>> {
let mut active_clients = vec![];
self.clients.retain(|weak| {
if let Some(client) = weak.upgrade() {
} else {