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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
//! # Firefox Accounts Client
//! The fxa-client component lets applications integrate with the
//! [Firefox Accounts](https://mozilla.github.io/ecosystem-platform/docs/features/firefox-accounts/fxa-overview)
//! identity service. The shape of a typical integration would look
//! something like:
//! * Out-of-band, register your application with the Firefox Accounts service,
//! providing an OAuth `redirect_uri` controlled by your application and
//! obtaining an OAuth `client_id`.
//! * On application startup, create a [`FirefoxAccount`] object to represent the
//! signed-in state of the application.
//! * On first startup, a new [`FirefoxAccount`] can be created by calling
//! [`FirefoxAccount::new`] and passing the application's `client_id`.
//! * For subsequent startups the object can be persisted using the
//! [`to_json`](FirefoxAccount::to_json) method and re-created by
//! calling [`FirefoxAccount::from_json`].
//! * When the user wants to sign in to your application, direct them through
//! a web-based OAuth flow using [`begin_oauth_flow`](FirefoxAccount::begin_oauth_flow)
//! or [`begin_pairing_flow`](FirefoxAccount::begin_pairing_flow); when they return
//! to your registered `redirect_uri`, pass the resulting authorization state back to
//! [`complete_oauth_flow`](FirefoxAccount::complete_oauth_flow) to sign them in.
//! * Display information about the signed-in user by using the data from
//! [`get_profile`](FirefoxAccount::get_profile).
//! * Access account-related services on behalf of the user by obtaining OAuth
//! access tokens via [`get_access_token`](FirefoxAccount::get_access_token).
//! * If the user opts to sign out of the application, calling [`disconnect`](FirefoxAccount::disconnect)
//! and then discarding any persisted account data.
mod account;
mod auth;
mod device;
mod error;
mod internal;
mod profile;
mod push;
mod state_machine;
mod storage;
mod telemetry;
mod token;
use std::fmt;
pub use sync15::DeviceType;
use url::Url;
pub use auth::{AuthorizationInfo, FxaEvent, FxaRustAuthState, FxaState, UserData};
pub use device::{
AttachedClient, CloseTabsResult, Device, DeviceCapability, DeviceConfig, LocalDevice,
pub use error::{Error, FxaError};
use parking_lot::Mutex;
pub use profile::Profile;
pub use push::{
AccountEvent, CloseTabsPayload, DevicePushSubscription, IncomingDeviceCommand, SendTabPayload,
pub use token::{AccessTokenInfo, AuthorizationParameters, ScopedKey};
// Used for auth state checking. Remove this once firefox-android and firefox-ios are migrated to
// using FxaAuthStateMachine
pub use state_machine::checker::{
FxaStateCheckerEvent, FxaStateCheckerState, FxaStateMachineChecker,
/// Result returned by internal functions
pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;
/// Result returned by public-facing API functions
pub type ApiResult<T> = std::result::Result<T, FxaError>;
/// Object representing the signed-in state of an application.
/// The `FirefoxAccount` object is the main interface provided by this crate.
/// It represents the signed-in state of an application that may be connected to
/// user's Firefox Account, and provides methods for inspecting the state of the
/// account and accessing other services on behalf of the user.
pub struct FirefoxAccount {
// For now, we serialize all access on a single `Mutex` for thread safety across
// the FFI. We should make the locking more granular in future.
internal: Mutex<internal::FirefoxAccount>,
impl FirefoxAccount {
/// Create a new [`FirefoxAccount`] instance, not connected to any account.
/// **💾 This method alters the persisted account state.**
/// This method constructs as new [`FirefoxAccount`] instance configured to connect
/// the application to a user's account.
pub fn new(config: FxaConfig) -> FirefoxAccount {
FirefoxAccount {
internal: Mutex::new(internal::FirefoxAccount::new(config)),
/// Used by the application to test auth token issues
pub fn simulate_network_error(&self) {
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct FxaConfig {
/// FxaServer to connect with
pub server: FxaServer,
/// registered OAuth client id of the application.
pub client_id: String,
/// `redirect_uri` - the registered OAuth redirect URI of the application.
pub redirect_uri: String,
/// URL for the user's Sync Tokenserver. This can be used to support users who self-host their
/// sync data. If `None` then it will default to the Mozilla-hosted Sync server.
/// Note: this lives here for historical reasons, but probably shouldn't. Applications pass
/// the token server URL they get from `fxa-client` to `SyncManager`. It would be simpler to
/// cut out `fxa-client` out of the middle and have applications send the overridden URL
/// directly to `SyncManager`.
pub token_server_url_override: Option<String>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum FxaServer {
Custom { url: String },
impl FxaServer {
fn content_url(&self) -> &str {
match self {
Self::Release => "https://accounts.firefox.com",
Self::Stable => "https://stable.dev.lcip.org",
Self::Stage => "https://accounts.stage.mozaws.net",
Self::China => "https://accounts.firefox.com.cn",
Self::LocalDev => "",
Self::Custom { url } => url,
impl From<&Url> for FxaServer {
fn from(url: &Url) -> Self {
let origin = url.origin();
// Note: we can call unwrap() below because parsing content_url for known servers should
// never fail and `test_from_url` tests this.
if origin == Url::parse(Self::Release.content_url()).unwrap().origin() {
} else if origin == Url::parse(Self::Stable.content_url()).unwrap().origin() {
} else if origin == Url::parse(Self::Stage.content_url()).unwrap().origin() {
} else if origin == Url::parse(Self::China.content_url()).unwrap().origin() {
} else if origin == Url::parse(Self::LocalDev.content_url()).unwrap().origin() {
} else {
Self::Custom {
url: origin.ascii_serialization(),
/// Display impl
/// This identifies the variant, without recording the URL for custom servers. It's good for
/// Sentry reports when we don't want to give away any PII.
impl fmt::Display for FxaServer {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let variant_name = match self {
Self::Release => "Release",
Self::Stable => "Stable",
Self::Stage => "Stage",
Self::China => "China",
Self::LocalDev => "LocalDev",
Self::Custom { .. } => "Custom",
write!(f, "{variant_name}")
impl FxaConfig {
pub fn release(client_id: impl ToString, redirect_uri: impl ToString) -> Self {
Self {
server: FxaServer::Release,
client_id: client_id.to_string(),
redirect_uri: redirect_uri.to_string(),
token_server_url_override: None,
pub fn stable(client_id: impl ToString, redirect_uri: impl ToString) -> Self {
Self {
server: FxaServer::Stable,
client_id: client_id.to_string(),
redirect_uri: redirect_uri.to_string(),
token_server_url_override: None,
pub fn stage(client_id: impl ToString, redirect_uri: impl ToString) -> Self {
Self {
server: FxaServer::Stage,
client_id: client_id.to_string(),
redirect_uri: redirect_uri.to_string(),
token_server_url_override: None,
pub fn china(client_id: impl ToString, redirect_uri: impl ToString) -> Self {
Self {
server: FxaServer::China,
client_id: client_id.to_string(),
redirect_uri: redirect_uri.to_string(),
token_server_url_override: None,
pub fn dev(client_id: impl ToString, redirect_uri: impl ToString) -> Self {
Self {
server: FxaServer::LocalDev,
client_id: client_id.to_string(),
redirect_uri: redirect_uri.to_string(),
token_server_url_override: None,
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_from_url() {
let test_cases = [
("https://accounts.firefox.com", FxaServer::Release),
("https://stable.dev.lcip.org", FxaServer::Stable),
("https://accounts.stage.mozaws.net", FxaServer::Stage),
("https://accounts.firefox.com.cn", FxaServer::China),
("", FxaServer::LocalDev),
FxaServer::Custom {
url: "http://my-fxa-server.com".to_owned(),
for (content_url, expected_result) in test_cases {
let url = Url::parse(content_url).unwrap();
assert_eq!(FxaServer::from(&url), expected_result);