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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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// This is the *local* encryption support - it has nothing to do with the
// encryption used by sync.
// For context, what "local encryption" means in this context is:
// * We use regular sqlite, but ensure that sensitive data is encrypted in the DB in the
// `secure_fields` column. The encryption key is managed by the app.
// * The `decrypt_struct` and `encrypt_struct` functions are used to convert between an encrypted
// `secure_fields` string and a decrypted `SecureFields` struct
// * Most API functions return `EncryptedLogin` which has its data encrypted.
// This makes life tricky for Sync - sync has its own encryption and its own
// management of sync keys. The entire records are encrypted on the server -
// so the record on the server has the plain-text data (which is then
// encrypted as part of the entire record), so:
// * When transforming a record from the DB into a Sync record, we need to
// *decrypt* the data.
// * When transforming a record from Sync into a DB record, we need to *encrypt*
// the data.
// So Sync needs to know the key etc, and that needs to get passed down
// multiple layers, from the app saying "sync now" all the way down to the
// low level sync code.
// To make life a little easier, we do that via a struct.
// Consumers of the Login component have 3 options for setting up encryption:
// 1. Implement EncryptorDecryptor directly
// eg `LoginStore::new(MyEncryptorDecryptor)`
// 2. Implement KeyManager and use ManagedEncryptorDecryptor
// eg `LoginStore::new(ManagedEncryptorDecryptor::new(MyKeyManager))`
// 3. Generate a single key and create a StaticKeyManager and use it together with
// ManagedEncryptorDecryptor
// eg `LoginStore::new(ManagedEncryptorDecryptor::new(StaticKeyManager { key: myKey }))`
// You can implement EncryptorDecryptor directly to keep full control over the encryption
// algorithm. For example, on the desktop, this could make use of NSS's SecretDecoderRing to
// achieve transparent key management.
// If the application wants to keep the current encryption, like Android and iOS, for example, but
// control the key management itself, the KeyManager can be implemented and the encryption can be
// done on the Rust side with the ManagedEncryptorDecryptor.
// In tests or some command line tools, it can be practical to use a static key that does not
// change at runtime and is already present when the LoginsStore is initialized. In this case, it
// makes sense to use the provided StaticKeyManager.
use crate::error::*;
use std::sync::Arc;
/// This is the generic EncryptorDecryptor trait, as handed over to the Store during initialization.
/// Consumers can implement either this generic trait and bring in their own crypto, or leverage the
/// ManagedEncryptorDecryptor below, which provides encryption algorithms out of the box.
/// Note that EncryptorDecryptor must not call any LoginStore methods. The login store can call out
/// to the EncryptorDecryptor when it's internal mutex is held so calling back in to the LoginStore
/// may deadlock.
pub trait EncryptorDecryptor: Send + Sync {
fn encrypt(&self, cleartext: Vec<u8>) -> ApiResult<Vec<u8>>;
fn decrypt(&self, ciphertext: Vec<u8>) -> ApiResult<Vec<u8>>;
impl<T: EncryptorDecryptor> EncryptorDecryptor for Arc<T> {
fn encrypt(&self, clearbytes: Vec<u8>) -> ApiResult<Vec<u8>> {
fn decrypt(&self, cipherbytes: Vec<u8>) -> ApiResult<Vec<u8>> {
/// The ManagedEncryptorDecryptor makes use of the NSS provided cryptographic algorithms. The
/// ManagedEncryptorDecryptor uses a KeyManager for encryption key retrieval.
pub struct ManagedEncryptorDecryptor {
key_manager: Arc<dyn KeyManager>,
impl ManagedEncryptorDecryptor {
pub fn new(key_manager: Arc<dyn KeyManager>) -> Self {
Self { key_manager }
impl EncryptorDecryptor for ManagedEncryptorDecryptor {
fn encrypt(&self, clearbytes: Vec<u8>) -> ApiResult<Vec<u8>> {
let keybytes = self
.map_err(|_| LoginsApiError::MissingKey)?;
let key = std::str::from_utf8(&keybytes).map_err(|_| LoginsApiError::InvalidKey)?;
let encdec = jwcrypto::EncryptorDecryptor::new(key)
.map_err(|_: jwcrypto::EncryptorDecryptorError| LoginsApiError::InvalidKey)?;
let cleartext =
std::str::from_utf8(&clearbytes).map_err(|e| LoginsApiError::EncryptionFailed {
reason: e.to_string(),
.encrypt(cleartext, "encrypt SecureLoginFields")
|e: jwcrypto::EncryptorDecryptorError| LoginsApiError::EncryptionFailed {
reason: e.to_string(),
.map(|text| text.into())
fn decrypt(&self, cipherbytes: Vec<u8>) -> ApiResult<Vec<u8>> {
let keybytes = self
.map_err(|_| LoginsApiError::MissingKey)?;
let key = std::str::from_utf8(&keybytes).map_err(|_| LoginsApiError::InvalidKey)?;
let encdec = jwcrypto::EncryptorDecryptor::new(key)
.map_err(|_: jwcrypto::EncryptorDecryptorError| LoginsApiError::InvalidKey)?;
let ciphertext =
std::str::from_utf8(&cipherbytes).map_err(|e| LoginsApiError::DecryptionFailed {
reason: e.to_string(),
.decrypt(ciphertext, "decrypt SecureLoginFields")
|e: jwcrypto::EncryptorDecryptorError| LoginsApiError::DecryptionFailed {
reason: e.to_string(),
.map(|text| text.into())
/// Consumers can implement the KeyManager in combination with the ManagedEncryptorDecryptor to hand
/// over the encryption key whenever encryption or decryption happens.
pub trait KeyManager: Send + Sync {
fn get_key(&self) -> ApiResult<Vec<u8>>;
/// Last but not least we provide a StaticKeyManager, which can be
/// used in cases where there is a single key during runtime, for example in tests.
pub struct StaticKeyManager {
key: String,
impl StaticKeyManager {
pub fn new(key: String) -> Self {
Self { key }
impl KeyManager for StaticKeyManager {
fn get_key(&self) -> ApiResult<Vec<u8>> {
pub fn create_canary(text: &str, key: &str) -> ApiResult<String> {
pub fn check_canary(canary: &str, text: &str, key: &str) -> ApiResult<bool> {
let encdec = jwcrypto::EncryptorDecryptor::new(key)
.map_err(|_: jwcrypto::EncryptorDecryptorError| LoginsApiError::InvalidKey)?;
Ok(encdec.check_canary(canary, text).unwrap_or(false))
pub fn create_key() -> ApiResult<String> {
pub mod test_utils {
use super::*;
use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Serialize};
lazy_static::lazy_static! {
pub static ref TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY: String = serde_json::to_string(&jwcrypto::Jwk::new_direct_key(Some("test-key".to_string())).unwrap()).unwrap();
pub static ref TEST_ENCDEC: Arc<ManagedEncryptorDecryptor> = Arc::new(ManagedEncryptorDecryptor::new(Arc::new(StaticKeyManager { key: TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY.clone() })));
pub fn encrypt_struct<T: Serialize>(fields: &T) -> String {
let string = serde_json::to_string(fields).unwrap();
let cipherbytes = TEST_ENCDEC.encrypt(string.as_bytes().into()).unwrap();
pub fn decrypt_struct<T: DeserializeOwned>(ciphertext: String) -> T {
let jsonbytes = TEST_ENCDEC.decrypt(ciphertext.as_bytes().into()).unwrap();
mod test {
use super::*;
fn test_static_key_manager() {
let key = create_key().unwrap();
let key_manager = StaticKeyManager { key: key.clone() };
assert_eq!(key.as_bytes(), key_manager.get_key().unwrap());
fn test_managed_encdec_with_invalid_key() {
let key_manager = Arc::new(StaticKeyManager {
key: "bad_key".to_owned(),
let encdec = ManagedEncryptorDecryptor { key_manager };
fn test_managed_encdec_with_missing_key() {
struct MyKeyManager {}
impl KeyManager for MyKeyManager {
fn get_key(&self) -> ApiResult<Vec<u8>> {
let key_manager = Arc::new(MyKeyManager {});
let encdec = ManagedEncryptorDecryptor { key_manager };
fn test_managed_encdec() {
let key = create_key().unwrap();
let key_manager = Arc::new(StaticKeyManager { key });
let encdec = ManagedEncryptorDecryptor { key_manager };
let cleartext = "secret";
let ciphertext = encdec.encrypt(cleartext.as_bytes().into()).unwrap();
let other_encdec = ManagedEncryptorDecryptor {
key_manager: Arc::new(StaticKeyManager {
key: create_key().unwrap(),
LoginsApiError::DecryptionFailed { reason: _ }
fn test_key_error() {
let storage_err = jwcrypto::EncryptorDecryptor::new("bad-key").err().unwrap();
Error::CryptoError(jwcrypto::EncryptorDecryptorError {
from: jwcrypto::JwCryptoError::InvalidKey,
fn test_canary_functionality() {
const CANARY_TEXT: &str = "Arbitrary sequence of text";
let key = create_key().unwrap();
let canary = create_canary(CANARY_TEXT, &key).unwrap();
assert!(check_canary(&canary, CANARY_TEXT, &key).unwrap());
let different_key = create_key().unwrap();
assert!(!check_canary(&canary, CANARY_TEXT, &different_key).unwrap());
let bad_key = "bad_key".to_owned();
check_canary(&canary, CANARY_TEXT, &bad_key).err().unwrap(),