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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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use crate::{
map_features_by_feature_id, EnrolledFeature, EnrolledFeatureConfig, ExperimentEnrollment,
error::{NimbusError, Result},
persistence::{Database, StoreId, Writer},
EnrolledExperiment, Experiment,
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::sync::RwLock;
// This module manages an in-memory cache of the database, so that some
// functions exposed by nimbus can return results without blocking on any
// IO. Consumers are expected to call our public `update()` function whenever
// the database might have changed.
// This struct is the cached data. This is never mutated, but instead
// recreated every time the cache is updated.
struct CachedData {
pub experiments: Vec<Experiment>,
pub enrollments: Vec<ExperimentEnrollment>,
pub experiments_by_slug: HashMap<String, EnrolledExperiment>,
pub features_by_feature_id: HashMap<String, EnrolledFeatureConfig>,
// This is the public cache API. Each NimbusClient can create one of these and
// it lives as long as the client - it encapsulates the synchronization needed
// to allow the cache to work correctly.
pub struct DatabaseCache {
data: RwLock<Option<CachedData>>,
impl DatabaseCache {
// Call this function whenever it's possible that anything cached by this
// struct (eg, our enrollments) might have changed.
// This function must be passed a `&Database` and a `Writer`, which it
// will commit before updating the in-memory cache. This is a slightly weird
// API but it helps encorce two important properties:
// * By requiring a `Writer`, we ensure mutual exclusion of other db writers
// and thus prevent the possibility of caching stale data.
// * By taking ownership of the `Writer`, we ensure that the calling code
// updates the cache after all of its writes have been performed.
pub fn commit_and_update(
db: &Database,
writer: Writer,
coenrolling_ids: &HashSet<&str>,
) -> Result<()> {
// By passing in the active `writer` we read the state of enrollments
// as written by the calling code, before it's committed to the db.
let enrollments = get_enrollments(db, &writer)?;
// Build a lookup table for experiments by experiment slug.
// This will be used for get_experiment_branch() and get_active_experiments()
let mut experiments_by_slug = HashMap::with_capacity(enrollments.len());
for e in enrollments {
experiments_by_slug.insert(e.slug.clone(), e);
let enrollments: Vec<ExperimentEnrollment> =
let experiments: Vec<Experiment> =
let features_by_feature_id =
map_features_by_feature_id(&enrollments, &experiments, coenrolling_ids);
// This is where testing tools would override i.e. replace experimental feature configurations.
// i.e. testing tools would cause custom feature configs to be stored in a Store.
// Here, we get those overrides out of the store, and merge it with this map.
// This is where rollouts (promoted experiments on a given feature) will be merged in to the feature variables.
let data = CachedData {
// Try to commit the change to disk and update the cache as close
// together in time as possible. This leaves a small window where another
// thread could read new data from disk but see old data in the cache,
// but that seems benign in practice given the way we use the cache.
// The alternative would be to lock the cache while we commit to disk,
// and we don't want to risk blocking the main thread.
let mut cached =;
// Abstracts safely referencing our cached data.
// WARNING: because this manages locking, the callers of this need to be
// careful regarding deadlocks - if the callback takes other own locks then
// there's a risk of locks being taken in an inconsistent order. However,
// there's nothing this code specifically can do about that.
fn get_data<T, F>(&self, func: F) -> Result<T>
F: FnOnce(&CachedData) -> T,
match * {
None => {
"DatabaseCache attempting to read data before initialization is completed"
Some(ref data) => Ok(func(data)),
pub fn get_experiment_branch(&self, id: &str) -> Result<Option<String>> {
self.get_data(|data| -> Option<String> {
.map(|experiment| experiment.branch_slug.clone())
// This gives access to the feature JSON. We pass it as a string because uniffi doesn't
// support JSON yet.
pub fn get_feature_config_variables(&self, feature_id: &str) -> Result<Option<String>> {
self.get_data(|data| {
let enrolled_feature = data.features_by_feature_id.get(feature_id)?;
let string = serde_json::to_string(&enrolled_feature.feature.value).unwrap();
pub fn get_enrollment_by_feature(&self, feature_id: &str) -> Result<Option<EnrolledFeature>> {
self.get_data(|data| {
.map(|feature| feature.into())
pub fn get_active_experiments(&self) -> Result<Vec<EnrolledExperiment>> {
self.get_data(|data| {
.map(|e| e.to_owned())
pub fn get_experiments(&self) -> Result<Vec<Experiment>> {
self.get_data(|data| data.experiments.to_vec())
pub fn get_enrollments(&self) -> Result<Vec<ExperimentEnrollment>> {
self.get_data(|data| data.enrollments.to_owned())