Registering custom pings

After defining custom pings glean_parser is able to generate code from pings.yaml files in a Pings object, which must be instantiated so Glean can send pings by name.



Loads custom ping metadata into your application or library.

In Kotlin, this object must be registered from your startup code before calling Glean.initialize (such as in your application's onCreate method or a function called from that method).

import org.mozilla.yourApplication.GleanMetrics.Pings

override fun onCreate() {

    Glean.initialize(applicationContext, uploadEnabled = true)

In Swift, this object must be registered from your startup code before calling Glean.shared.initialize (such as in your application's UIApplicationDelegate application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:) method or a function called from that method).

import Glean

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
    func application(_: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions _: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {

        Glean.shared.initialize(uploadEnabled = true)

For Python, the pings.yaml file must be available and loaded at runtime.

While the Python SDK does provide a Glean.register_ping_type function, if your project is a script (i.e. just Python files in a directory), you can load the pings.yaml before calling Glean.initialize using:

from glean import load_pings

pings = load_pings("pings.yaml")


If your project is a distributable Python package, you need to include the pings.yaml file using one of the myriad ways to include data in a Python package and then use pkg_resources.resource_filename() to get the filename at runtime.

from glean import load_pings
from pkg_resources import resource_filename

pings = load_pings(resource_filename(__name__, "pings.yaml"))

In Rust custom pings need to be registered individually. This should be done before calling glean::initialize.

use your_glean_metrics::pings;

glean::initialize(cfg, client_info);