Adding Glean to your JavaScript project

This page provides a step-by-step guide on how to integrate the Glean JavaScript SDK into a JavaScript project.

Nevertheless this is just one of the required steps for integrating Glean successfully into a project. Check you the full Glean integration checklist for a comprehensive list of all the steps involved in doing so.

The Glean JavaScript SDK allows integration with three distinct JavaScript environments: websites, web extension and Node.js.


  • Node.js >= 12.20.0
  • npm >= 7.0.0
  • Webpack >= 5.34.0
  • Python >= 3.8
    • The glean command requires Python to download glean_parser which is a Python library

Browser extension specific requirements

  • webextension-polyfill >= 0.8.0
    • Glean.js assumes a Promise-based browser API: Firefox provides such an API by default. Other browsers may require using a polyfill library such us webextension-polyfill when using Glean in browser extensions
  • Host permissions to the telemetry server
    • Only necessary if the defined server endpoint denies cross-origin requests
    • Not necessary if using the default
  • "storage" API permissions

Browser extension example configuration

The manifest.json file of the sample browser extension available on the mozilla/glean.js repository provides an example on how to define the above permissions as well as how and where to load the webextension-polyfill script.

Setting up the dependency

The Glean JavaScript SDK is distributed as an npm package @mozilla/glean.

This package has different entry points to access the different SDKs.

  • @mozilla/glean/web gives access to the websites SDK
  • @mozilla/glean/webext gives access to the web extension SDK
  • @mozilla/glean/node gives access to the Node.js SDK1

The Node.js SDK does not have persistent storage yet. This means, Glean does not persist state throughout application runs. For updates on the implementation of this feature in Node.js, follow Bug 1728807.

Install Glean in your JavaScript project, by running:

npm install @mozilla/glean

Then import Glean into your project:

// Importing the Glean JavaScript SDK for use in **web extensions** // // esm import Glean from "@mozilla/glean/webext"; // cjs const { default: Glean } = require("@mozilla/glean/webext"); // Importing the Glean JavaScript SDK for use in **websites** // // esm import Glean from "@mozilla/glean/web"; // cjs const { default: Glean } = require("@mozilla/glean/web"); // Importing the Glean JavaScript SDK for use in **Node.js** // // esm import Glean from "@mozilla/glean/node"; // cjs const { default: Glean } = require("@mozilla/glean/node");

Browser extension security considerations

In case of privilege-escalation attack into the context of the web extension using Glean, the malicious scripts would be able to call Glean APIs or use the APIs directly. That would be a risk to Glean data, but not caused by Glean. Glean-using extensions should be careful not to relax the default Content-Security-Policy that generally prevents these attacks.

Common import errors

"Cannot find module '@mozilla/glean'"

Glean.js does not have a main package entry point. Instead it relies on a series of entry points depending on the platform you are targeting.

In order to import Glean use:

import Glean from '@mozilla/glean/{your-platform}'

"Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '@mozilla/glean/webext' in '...'"

Glean.js relies on Node.js' subpath exports feature to define multiple package entry points.

Please make sure that you are using a supported Node.js runtime and also make sure the tools you are using support this Node.js feature.

Setting up metrics and pings code generation

In JavaScript, the metrics and pings definitions must be parsed at build time. The @mozilla/glean package exposes glean_parser through the glean script.

To parse your YAML registry files using this script, define a new script in your package.json file:

{ // ... "scripts": { // ... "build:glean": "glean translate path/to/metrics.yaml path/to/pings.yaml -f javascript -o path/to/generated", // Or, if you are building for a Typescript project "build:glean": "glean translate path/to/metrics.yaml path/to/pings.yaml -f typescript -o path/to/generated" } }

Then run this script by calling:

npm run build:glean

Automation steps


Prefer using the Glean Dictionary

While it is still possible to generate Markdown documentation, if working on a public Mozilla project rely on the Glean Dictionary for documentation. Your product will be automatically indexed by the Glean Dictionary after it gets enabled in the pipeline.

One of the commands provided by glean_parser allows users to generate Markdown documentation based on the contents of their YAML registry files. To perform that translation, use the translate command with a different output format, as shown below.

In your package.json, define the following script:

{ // ... "scripts": { // ... "docs:glean": "glean translate path/to/metrics.yaml path/to/pings.yaml -f markdown -o path/to/docs", } }

Then run this script by calling:

npm run docs:glean

YAML registry files linting

Glean includes a "linter" for the YAML registry files called the glinter that catches a number of common mistakes in these files. To run the linter use the glinter command.

In your package.json, define the following script:

{ // ... "scripts": { // ... "lint:glean": "glean glinter path/to/metrics.yaml path/to/pings.yaml", } }

Then run this script by calling:

npm run lint:glean