The General API

The Glean SDKs have a minimal API available on their top-level Glean object called the General API. This API allows, among other things, to enable and disable upload, register custom pings and set experiment data.

Only initialize in the main application!

Glean should only be initialized from the main application, not individual libraries. If you are adding Glean support to a library, you can safely skip this section.


The Glean SDKs provide a general API that supports the following operations. See API reference pages for SDK-specific details.

initializeConfigure and initialize the Glean SDK.Initializing the Glean SDK
setCollectionEnabledEnable or disable Glean collection and upload.Toggling collection status
registerPingsRegister custom pings generated from pings.yaml.Custom pings
setExperimentActiveIndicate that an experiment is running.Using the Experiments API
setExperimentInactiveIndicate that an experiment is no longer running..Using the Experiments API
registerEventListenerRegister a callback by which a consumer can be notified of all event metrics being recorded.Glean Event Listener