
Timespans are used to make a measurement of how much time is spent in a particular task. Irrespective of the timespan's lifetime, both start and stop must occur within the same application session.

To measure the distribution of multiple timespans, see Timing Distributions. To record absolute times, see Datetimes.

It is not recommended to use timespans in multiple threads, since calling start or stop out of order will be recorded as an invalid_state error.

Recording API


Starts tracking time. Uses an internal monotonic timer.

import org.mozilla.yourApplication.GleanMetrics.Auth fun onShowLogin() { Auth.loginTime.start() // ... }
import org.mozilla.yourApplication.GleanMetrics.Auth; void onShowLogin() { Auth.INSTANCE.loginTime().start(); // ... }
func onShowLogin() { Auth.loginTime.start() // ... }
from glean import load_metrics metrics = load_metrics("metrics.yaml") def on_show_login(): metrics.auth.login_time.start() # ...
use glean_metrics::auth; fn show_login() { auth::login_time.start(); // ... }
import * as auth from "./path/to/generated/files/auth.js"; function onShowLogin() { auth.loginTime.start(); // ... }


#include "mozilla/glean/PasswordmgrMetrics.h" void OnShowLogin() { mozilla::glean::auth::login_time.Start(); // ... }


function onShowLogin() { Glean.auth.loginTime.start(); // ... }

Recorded errors

  • invalid_state: If the metric is already tracking time (start has already been called and not canceled).


  • The maximum resolution of the elapsed duration is limited by the clock used on each platform.
  • This also determines the behavior of a timespan over sleep:
    • On Android, the SystemClock.elapsedRealtimeNanos() function is used, so it is limited by the accuracy and performance of that timer. The time measurement includes time spent in sleep.
    • On iOS, the mach_absolute_time function is used, so it is limited by the accuracy and performance of that timer. The time measurement does not include time spent in sleep.
    • On Python 3.7 and later, time.monotonic_ns() is used. On earlier versions of Python, time.monotonics() is used, which is not guaranteed to have nanosecond resolution.
    • On other platforms time::precise_time_ns is used, which uses a high-resolution performance counter in nanoseconds provided by the underlying platform.


Stops tracking time. The metric value is set to the elapsed time.

import org.mozilla.yourApplication.GleanMetrics.Auth fun onLogin() { Auth.loginTime.stop() // ... }
import org.mozilla.yourApplication.GleanMetrics.Auth; void onLogin() { Auth.INSTANCE.loginTime().stop(); // ... }
func onLogin() { Auth.loginTime.stop() // ... }
from glean import load_metrics metrics = load_metrics("metrics.yaml") def on_login(): metrics.auth.login_time.stop() # ...
use glean_metrics::auth;; fn login() { auth::login_time.stop(); // ... }
import * as auth from "./path/to/generated/files/auth.js"; function onLogin() { auth.login_time.stop(); // ... }


#include "mozilla/glean/PasswordmgrMetrics.h" void OnLogin() { mozilla::glean::auth::login_time.Stop(); // ... }


function onLogin() { Glean.auth.loginTime.stop(); // ... }

Recorded errors

  • invalid_state: Calling stop without calling start first, e.g. if the start happened on a previous application run.


Cancels a previous start. No error is recorded if there was no previous start.

import org.mozilla.yourApplication.GleanMetrics.Auth fun onLoginCancel() { Auth.loginTime.cancel() // ... }
import org.mozilla.yourApplication.GleanMetrics.Auth; void onLoginCancel() { Auth.INSTANCE.loginTime().cancel(); // ... }
func onLoginCancel() { Auth.loginTime.cancel() // ... }
from glean import load_metrics metrics = load_metrics("metrics.yaml") def on_login_cancel(): metrics.auth.login_time.cancel() # ...
use glean_metrics::auth; fn login_cancel() { auth::login_time.cancel(); // ... }
import * as auth from "./path/to/generated/files/auth.js"; function onLoginCancel() { auth.login_time.cancel(); // ... }


#include "mozilla/glean/PasswordmgrMetrics.h" void OnLoginCancel() { mozilla::glean::auth::login_time.Cancel(); // ... }


function onLoginCancel() { Glean.auth.loginTime.cancel(); // ... }


Some languages support convenient auto timing of blocks of code. measure is treated as a start and stop pair for the purposes of error recording. Exceptions (if present in the language) are treated as a cancel.

import org.mozilla.yourApplication.GleanMetrics.Auth Auth.loginTime.measure { // Process login flow }
import org.mozilla.yourApplication.GleanMetrics.Auth Auth.INSTANCE.loginTime().measure() -> { // Process login flow return null; });
Auth.loginTime.measure { // Process login flow }
from glean import load_metrics metrics = load_metrics("metrics.yaml") with metrics.auth.login_time.measure(): # ... Do the login ...


Explicitly sets the timespan's value.

Regardless of the time unit chosen for the metric, this API expects the raw value to be in nanoseconds.

Only use this if you have to

This API should only be used if the code being instrumented cannot make use of start, stop, and cancel or measure. Time is hard, and this API can't help you with it.

import org.mozilla.yourApplication.GleanMetrics.Auth fun afterLogin(loginElapsedNs: Long) { Auth.loginTime.setRawNanos(loginElapsedNs) // ... }
import org.mozilla.yourApplication.GleanMetrics.Auth; void afterLogin(long loginElapsedNs) { Auth.INSTANCE.loginTime().setRawNanos(loginElapsedNs); // ... }
func afterLogin(_ loginElapsedNs: UInt64) { Auth.loginTime.setRawNanos(loginElapsedNs) // ... }
from glean import load_metrics metrics = load_metrics("metrics.yaml") def after_login(login_elapsed_ns): metrics.auth.login_time.set_raw_nanos(login_elapsed_ns) # ...
use std::time::duration; use glean_metrics::auth; fn after_login(login_elapsed: Duration) { auth::login_time.set_raw(login_elapsed); // ... }
import * as auth from "./path/to/generated/files/auth.js"; function onAfterLogin(loginElapsedNs) { auth.loginTime.setRawNanos(loginElapsedNs); // ... }

These are different

Firefox Desktop's setRaw uses the units specified in the metric definition. e.g. if the Timespan's time_unit is millisecond, then the duration parameter is a count of milliseconds.


#include "mozilla/glean/PasswordmgrMetrics.h" void AfterLogin(uint32_t aDuration) { mozilla::glean::auth::login_time.SetRaw(aDuration); // ... }


function afterLogin(aDuration) { Glean.auth.loginTime.setRaw(aDuration); // ... }

Recorded errors

  • invalid_value: if attempting to record a negative elapsed duration.
  • invalid_state: if this method is called after calling start or this method is called multiple times.
  • invalid_type: if a negative, floating point or non-number value is given.

Testing API


Get the currently-stored value.
Returns the timespan as a integer in the metric's time unit if data is stored.
Returns a language-specific empty/null value if no data is stored. Has an optional argument to specify the name of the ping you wish to retrieve data from, except in Rust where it's required. None or no argument will default to the first value found for send_in_pings.

import org.mozilla.yourApplication.GleanMetrics.Auth assertTrue(Auth.loginTime.testGetValue() > 0)
import org.mozilla.yourApplication.GleanMetrics.Auth; assertTrue(Auth.INSTANCE.loginTime().testGetValue() > 0);
XCTAssert(Auth.loginTime.testGetValue() > 0)
from glean import load_metrics metrics = load_metrics("metrics.yaml") assert metrics.auth.login_time.test_get_value() > 0
use glean_metrics::auth; assert!(auth::login_time.test_get_value(None).unwrap() > 0);
import * as auth from "./path/to/generated/files/auth.js"; assert(await auth.loginTime.testGetValue() > 0);


#include "mozilla/glean/PasswordmgrMetrics.h" ASSERT_TRUE(mozilla::glean::auth::login_time.TestGetValue().isOk()); ASSERT_GE(mozilla::glean::auth::login_time.TestGetValue().unwrap().value(), 0);


// testGetValue will throw NS_ERROR_LOSS_OF_SIGNIFICANT_DATA on error. Assert.ok(Glean.auth.loginTime.testGetValue() > 0);


Gets the number of errors recorded during operations on this metric.

import org.mozilla.yourApplication.GleanMetrics.Auth assertEquals( 0, Auth.loginTime.testGetNumRecordedErrors(ErrorType.INVALID_VALUE) )
import org.mozilla.yourApplication.GleanMetrics.Auth; assertEquals( 0, Auth.INSTANCE.loginTime().testGetNumRecordedErrors(ErrorType.INVALID_VALUE) );
XCTAssertEqual(0, Auth.loginTime.testGetNumRecordedErrors(.invalidValue))
from glean import load_metrics metrics = load_metrics("metrics.yaml") assert 0 == metrics.auth.local_time.test_get_num_recorded_errors( ErrorType.INVALID_VALUE )
use glean_metrics::auth; assert_eq!(1, auth::login_time.test_get_num_recorded_errors(ErrorType::InvalidValue));
import * as auth from "./path/to/generated/files/auth.js"; import { ErrorType } from "@mozilla/glean/error";; assert.strictEqual( 1, await auth.loginTime.testGetNumRecordedErrors(ErrorType.InvalidValue) );

Metric parameters

Example timespan metric definition:

auth: login_time: type: timespan description: > Measures the time spent logging in. time_unit: millisecond bugs: - https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=000000 data_reviews: - https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=000000#c3 notification_emails: - me@mozilla.com expires: 2020-01-01 data_sensitivity: - interaction

For a full reference on metrics parameters common to all metric types, refer to the metrics YAML registry format reference page.

Extra metric parameters


Timespans have an optional time_unit parameter to specify the smallest unit of resolution that the timespan will record. The allowed values for time_unit are:

  • nanosecond
  • microsecond
  • millisecond (default)
  • second
  • minute
  • hour
  • day

Consider the resolution that is required by your metric, and use the largest possible value that will provide useful information so as to not leak too much fine-grained information from the client.

Values are truncated

It is important to note that the value sent in the ping is truncated down to the nearest unit. Therefore, a measurement of 500 nanoseconds will be truncated to 0 microseconds.

Data questions

  • How long did it take for the user to log in?
