Debugging Android applications using the Glean SDK

The Glean Kotlin SDK exports the GleanDebugActivity that can be used to toggle debugging features on or off. Users can invoke this special activity, at run-time, using the following adb command:

adb shell am start -n [applicationId]/mozilla.telemetry.glean.debug.GleanDebugActivity [extra keys]

In the above:

  • [applicationId] is the product's application id as defined in the manifest file and/or build script. For the Glean sample application, this is org.mozilla.samples.gleancore for a release build and org.mozilla.samples.gleancore.debug for a debug build.

  • [extra keys] is a list of extra keys to be passed to the debug activity. See the documentation for the command line switches used to pass the extra keys. These are the currently supported keys:

logPingsboolean (--ez)If set to true, pings are dumped to logcat; defaults to false
debugViewTagstring (--es)Tags all outgoing pings as debug pings to make them available for real-time validation, on the Glean Debug View. The value must match the pattern [a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,20}. Important: in older versions of the Glean SDK, this was named tagPings
sourceTagsstring array (--esa)Tags outgoing pings with a maximum of 5 comma-separated tags. The tags must match the pattern [a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,20}. The automation tag is meant for tagging pings generated on automation: such pings will be specially handled on the pipeline (i.e. discarded from non-live views). Tags starting with glean are reserved for future use. Subsequent calls of this overwrite any previously stored tag
sendPingstring (--es)Sends the ping with the given name immediately
startNextstring (--es)The name of an exported Android Activity, as defined in the product manifest file, to start right after the GleanDebugActivity completes. All the options provided are propagated to this next activity as well. When omitted, the default launcher activity for the product is started instead.

All the options provided to start the activity are passed over to the main activity for the application to process. This is useful if SDK users wants to debug telemetry while providing additional options to the product to enable specific behaviors.

Note: Due to limitations on Android logcat message size, pings larger than 4KB are broken into multiple log messages when using logPings.

For example, to direct a release build of the Glean sample application to (1) dump pings to logcat, (2) tag the ping with the test-metrics-ping tag, and (3) send the "metrics" ping immediately, the following command can be used:

adb shell am start -n org.mozilla.samples.gleancore/mozilla.telemetry.glean.debug.GleanDebugActivity \ --ez logPings true \ --es sendPing metrics \ --es debugViewTag test-metrics-ping

The logPings command doesn't trigger ping submission and you won't see any output until a ping has been sent. You can use the sendPing command to force a ping to be sent, but it could be more desirable to trigger the pings submission on their normal schedule. For instance, the baseline and events pings can be triggered by moving the app out of the foreground and the metrics ping can be triggered normally if it is overdue for the current calendar day.

Note: The device or emulator must be connected to the internet for this to work. Otherwise the job that sends the pings won't be triggered.

If no metrics have been collected, no pings will be sent unless send_if_empty is set on your ping. See the ping documentation for more information on ping scheduling to learn when pings are sent.

Options that are set using the adb flags are not immediately reset and will persist until the application is closed or manually reset.

Glean Kotlin SDK Log messages

When running a Glean SDK-powered app in the Android emulator or on a device connected to your computer via cable, there are several ways to read the log output.

Android Studio

Android Studio can show the logs of a connected emulator or device. To display the log messages for an app:

  1. Run an app on your device.
  2. Click View > Tool Windows > Logcat (or click Logcat in the tool window bar).

The Logcat window will show all log messages and allows to filter those by the application ID. Select the application ID of the product you're debugging. You can also filter by Glean only.

More information can be found in the View Logs with Logcat help article.

Command line

On the command line you can show all of the log output using:

adb logcat

This is the unfiltered output of all log messages. You can match for glean using grep:

adb logcat | grep -i glean

A simple way to filter for only the application that is being debugged is by using pidcat, a wrapper around adb, which adds colors and proper filtering by application ID and log level. Run it like this to filter for an application:

pidcat [applicationId]

In the above [applicationId] is the product's application id as defined in the manifest file and/or build script. For the Glean sample application, this is org.mozilla.samples.gleancore for a release build and org.mozilla.samples.gleancore.debug for a debug build.