GeckoView Content Processes and Glean

This is a brief overview of how GeckoView content processes record data in Glean, despite Glean being required to be called only from the main process.

GeckoView Content Processes

These are processes in which web page's content is rendered and data is collected such as use counters.

Content processes are launched as a "child" of the main GeckoView UI process.

Recording Telemetry in Content Processes

Content processes communicate to the main GeckoView process through Inter-Thread and Inter-Process Message Passing (IPDL. Because Glean doesn't know about processes, it requires only a single process to interact with the API in order to work properly so content processes record data on the main process through IPDL, specifically through the Firefox on Glean (FOG) IPC implementation.

As long as processes within gecko make use of these mechanisms, data recorded in them should make it into Glean whether it is running in Desktop or Android.