The Glean JavaScript SDK provides a slightly different set of metrics and pings

If you are looking for the metrics collected by Glean.js, refer to the documentation over on the @mozilla/glean.js repository.


This document enumerates the metrics collected by this project using the Glean SDK. This project may depend on other projects which also collect metrics. This means you might have to go searching through the dependency tree to get a full picture of everything collected by this project.



These metrics are sent in every ping.

All Glean pings contain built-in metrics in the ping_info and client_info sections.

In addition to those built-in metrics, the following metrics are added to the ping:

NameTypeDescriptionData reviewsExtrasExpirationData Sensitivity
glean.client.annotation.experimentation_idstringAn experimentation identifier derived and provided by the application for the purpose of experimentation enrollment.Bug 1848201never1
glean.error.invalid_labellabeled_counterCounts the number of times a metric was set with an invalid label. The labels are the identifier of the metric.Bug 1499761never1
glean.error.invalid_overflowlabeled_counterCounts the number of times a metric was set a value that overflowed. The labels are the identifier of the metric.Bug 1591912never1
glean.error.invalid_statelabeled_counterCounts the number of times a timing metric was used incorrectly. The labels are the identifier of the metric.Bug 1499761never1
glean.error.invalid_valuelabeled_counterCounts the number of times a metric was set to an invalid value. The labels are the identifier of the metric.Bug 1499761never1
glean.restartedeventRecorded when the Glean SDK is restarted. Only included in custom pings that record events. For more information, please consult the Custom Ping documentation.Bug 1716725never1


This is a built-in ping that is assembled out of the box by the Glean SDK.

See the Glean SDK documentation for the baseline ping.

This ping is sent if empty.

This ping includes the client id.

Data reviews for this ping:

Bugs related to this ping:

Reasons this ping may be sent:

  • active: The ping was submitted when the application became active again, which includes when the application starts. In earlier versions, this was called foreground.

    *Note*: this ping will not contain the `glean.baseline.duration` metric.
  • dirty_startup: The ping was submitted at startup, because the application process was killed before the Glean SDK had the chance to generate this ping, before becoming inactive, in the last session.

    *Note*: this ping will not contain the `glean.baseline.duration` metric.
  • inactive: The ping was submitted when becoming inactive. In earlier versions, this was called background.

All Glean pings contain built-in metrics in the ping_info and client_info sections.

In addition to those built-in metrics, the following metrics are added to the ping:

NameTypeDescriptionData reviewsExtrasExpirationData Sensitivity
glean.baseline.durationtimespanThe duration of the last foreground session.Bug 1512938never1, 2
glean.validation.pings_submittedlabeled_counterA count of the pings submitted, by ping type. This metric appears in both the metrics and baseline pings. - On the metrics ping, the counts include the number of pings sent since the last metrics ping (including the last metrics ping) - On the baseline ping, the counts include the number of pings send since the last baseline ping (including the last baseline ping)Bug 1586764never1


This is a built-in ping that is assembled out of the box by the Glean SDK.

See the Glean SDK documentation for the deletion-request ping.

This ping is sent if empty.

This ping includes the client id.

Data reviews for this ping:

Bugs related to this ping:

Reasons this ping may be sent:

  • at_init: The ping was submitted at startup. Glean discovered that between the last time it was run and this time, upload of data has been disabled.

  • set_upload_enabled: The ping was submitted between Glean init and Glean shutdown. Glean was told after init but before shutdown that upload has changed from enabled to disabled.

All Glean pings contain built-in metrics in the ping_info and client_info sections.

This ping contains no metrics.


This is a built-in ping that is assembled out of the box by the Glean SDK.

See the Glean SDK documentation for the metrics ping.

This ping includes the client id.

Data reviews for this ping:

Bugs related to this ping:

Reasons this ping may be sent:

  • overdue: The last ping wasn't submitted on the current calendar day, but it's after 4am, so this ping submitted immediately

  • reschedule: A ping was just submitted. This ping was rescheduled for the next calendar day at 4am.

  • today: The last ping wasn't submitted on the current calendar day, but it is still before 4am, so schedule to send this ping on the current calendar day at 4am.

  • tomorrow: The last ping was already submitted on the current calendar day, so schedule this ping for the next calendar day at 4am.

  • upgrade: This ping was submitted at startup because the application was just upgraded.

All Glean pings contain built-in metrics in the ping_info and client_info sections.

In addition to those built-in metrics, the following metrics are added to the ping:

NameTypeDescriptionData reviewsExtrasExpirationData Sensitivity
glean.database.sizememory_distributionThe size of the database file at startup.Bug 1656589never1
glean.error.iocounterThe number of times we encountered an IO error when writing a pending ping to disk.Bug 1686233never1
glean.error.preinit_tasks_overflowcounterThe number of tasks that overflowed the pre-initialization buffer. Only sent if the buffer ever overflows. In Version 0 this reported the total number of tasks enqueued.Bug 1609482never1
glean.upload.deleted_pings_after_quota_hitcounterThe number of pings deleted after the quota for the size of the pending pings directory or number of files is hit. Since quota is only calculated for the pending pings directory, and deletion request ping live in a different directory, deletion request pings are never deleted.Bug 1601550never1
glean.upload.discarded_exceeding_pings_sizememory_distributionThe size of pings that exceeded the maximum ping size allowed for upload.Bug 1597761never1
glean.upload.in_flight_pings_droppedcounterHow many pings were dropped because we found them already in-flight.Bug 1816401never1
glean.upload.missing_send_idscounterHow many ping upload responses did we not record as a success or failure (in glean.upload.send_success or glean.upload.send_failue, respectively) due to an inconsistency in our internal bookkeeping?Bug 1816400never1
glean.upload.pending_pingscounterThe total number of pending pings at startup. This does not include deletion-request pings.Bug 1665041never1
glean.upload.pending_pings_directory_sizememory_distributionThe size of the pending pings directory upon initialization of Glean. This does not include the size of the deletion request pings directory.Bug 1601550never1
glean.upload.ping_upload_failurelabeled_counterCounts the number of ping upload failures, by type of failure. This includes failures for all ping types, though the counts appear in the next successfully sent metrics ping.Bug 1589124
  • status_code_4xx
  • status_code_5xx
  • status_code_unknown
  • unrecoverable
  • recoverable
glean.upload.send_failuretiming_distributionTime needed for a failed send of a ping to the servers and getting a reply back.Bug 1814592never1
glean.upload.send_successtiming_distributionTime needed for a successful send of a ping to the servers and getting a reply backBug 1814592never1
glean.validation.foreground_countcounterOn mobile, the number of times the application went to foreground.Bug 1683707never1
glean.validation.pings_submittedlabeled_counterA count of the pings submitted, by ping type. This metric appears in both the metrics and baseline pings. - On the metrics ping, the counts include the number of pings sent since the last metrics ping (including the last metrics ping) - On the baseline ping, the counts include the number of pings send since the last baseline ping (including the last baseline ping)Bug 1586764never1
glean.validation.shutdown_dispatcher_waittiming_distributionTime waited for the dispatcher to unblock during shutdown. Most samples are expected to be below the 10s timeout used.Bug 1828066never1
glean.validation.shutdown_waittiming_distributionTime waited for the uploader at shutdown.Bug 1814592never1

Data categories are defined here.